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Elections Voter ID

You will need to bring ID to vote for the next election.

From May 2023, voters will be required to show photographic identification at polling stations before they are given a ballot paper.  You can find out more about the Elections Act 2022 

This will affect all voters across Wealden who vote in person or by proxy at the next scheduled election on Thursday 1 May 2025.

Voters must bring a suitable form of photographic ID to their polling station. The most commonly used ID include:

  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country
  • Photographic driver’s licence issued by the UK, Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state (including provisional)
  • European Economic Area (EEA) photographic ID Card
  • UK Biometric Residence Permit
  • An identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram  (PASS card)*
  • A Blue Badge
  • Oyster 60+ Card
  • A concessionary travel pass funded by HM Government or local authority (East Sussex County Council Bus Pass; Disabled Person’s Bus Pass, Welsh or Northern Ireland travel card)

Please Note: Only original documents are accepted; scanned images, electronic versions or copies will not be accepted – however expired documents are accepted if the photo is still a current likeness.

No suitable photo ID?

If you do not have any of the accepted photo ID, and you want to vote at the polling station, you will need to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate. This is a free photographic identification document specific for the purposes of voting.

Voters who do not produce a Voter Authority Certificate, or valid identification will not be allowed to vote on polling day.

Please do not apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if you already have an acceptable form of ID such as a passport or driving licence.

Voter ID FAQs

What if my appearance has changed on my photo ID?

If you look totally different on your ID, we recommend that you apply for Voter Authority Certificate before the application deadline, to prevent you from not being able to vote.

Can I use a poll card as ID?

No, it must be an approved form of photographic ID.

What is a Voter Authority Certificate?

A Voter Authority Certificate is a free document containing a photograph of the applicant, supplied by the ERO. It allows any elector who does not have another suitable form of photographic ID (or does not wish to use it) to vote in person at a polling station in an election at which photographic ID is required.

What do I need to provide to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate?

Any application for a Voter Authority Certificate must contain:

  • your full name
  • the address at which you are registered to vote (or have applied to be registered at), or in the case of special category electors, your present, correspondence or BFPO number address
  • your date of birth
  • your National Insurance Number
  • a statement as to whether you consider it necessary to collect the Voter Authority Certificate in person instead of it being delivered to the relevant delivery address, and the reason for collection
  • a declaration that the contents of the application are true, either by signature or some mark that shows that you have made the declaration
  • the date of the application

Any application must also contain a suitable photograph of you, meeting the relevant size and resolution requirements.

What information does a Voter Authority Certificate contain?

The Voter Authority Certificate will contain:

  • the elector’s full name
  • a photograph of the elector
  • the date of issue of the certificate
  • the appropriate identifier
  • the words “issued by the Electoral Registration Officer appointed by Wealden District Council”
  • the recommended renewal date
  • one or more security features, such as a watermark, as recommended by the Home Secretary

The appropriate identifier is made up of 20 numbers and letters and is automatically are generated by the ERO portal.

When will I receive my Voter Authority Certificate?

Once your application has been successfully processed, the data is sent to a supplier appointment by the UK Government who will produce the document and then deliver it to you directly, first class by Royal Mail.

Your Voter Authority Certificate should be printed within one to two working days after your application has been successfully processed.

You can request to collect your Voter Authority Certificate in person from the ERO’s offices.

Can I use my Voter Authority Certificate as ID elsewhere?

You cannot use the Voter Authority Certificate  as proof of identity for any other purpose than for voting.

It does not contain any other information (such as a date of birth or address) that would be found on many other forms of ID.

What happens if I forget or lose my ID on the day?

Apart from Voter Authority Certificate holders, all other electors will have to leave the polling station to find their ID or get another form of ID. If you do not have anything else to prove your identity you will be unable to vote.

Can I get a Voter Authority Certificate on the day?

No, applications for Voter Authority Certificate will not be accepted after 5pm on Wednesday 23 April 2025.  So that it is received in time, please completed your application as soon as possible if you need Voter Authority Certificate.

My name is different on my photo ID to the electoral register, what should I do?

If in any doubt about whether your identification will be accepted, please talk to a member of the elections team for clarification on 01892 602407.

I don’t want to risk losing my ID, can I bring a photocopy?

Whatever form of ID you bring must be the original, no copies or electronic versions will be accepted.

What if I lose my Voter Authority Certificate?

We recommend you keep your Voter Authority Certificate as safe as you would any other form of official identification. However, if this happens please call us on 01892 602407.

Can I use an expired driving licence or passport?

Yes, as long as the photo is still a good likeness.

My passport and driving licence show the wrong address, is this ok?

Yes, as long as the photo is still a good likeness. The photo ID is to check your identity not your address.

I would like my identity checked in private, is this possible?

Yes, the polling stations will have procedures in place for electors who wish to have privacy.