Wealden District Council
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Community Governance Review: Parish Boundaries and Electoral Arrangements

Under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, Wealden District Council recently carried out a review of the the boundaries and electoral arrangements for the following parishes within its area:

  • (parts of) Willingdon & Jevington Parish
  • Framfield Parish
  • Ninfield Parish
  • Westham Parish

The outcomes from the Review are shown below.

Review Outcomes


The approved changes came into effect in a Re-Organisation Order shown below.

CGR ProposalCGR Final RecommendationEvidence
To reduce the size of Willingdon and Jevington Parish Council from 19 to 15 Councillors with effect from the next election in May 2023. To achieve this by reducing both Lower Willingdon and Upper Willingdon wards by 2 councillors.The proposal Be Supported
  • Parish Council’s internal audit report (2020) and subsequent formal Council ratification (February 2022)
  • Community consultation exercise (August 2022) demonstrates community support
  • Meets statutory criteria under Section 98 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
  • No adverse impact on community cohesion
  • No adverse impact on the size, population and boundaries of a local community or parish
To make alterations to address minor anomalies in internal ward boundaries including changing the name of Watermill ward to Willingdon and Watermill ward.The proposal Be SupportedAs stated above
To reinstate the former Jevington wardThe proposal Be SupportedAs stated above
To alter the external boundary between Willingdon and Jevington parish and Polegate parish (east of the A2270)The proposal Be Not Supported
  • Community consultation exercise (August 2022) does not demonstrate community support
  • Objections raised by Polegate Town Council have been considered
  • Potential adverse impact on community cohesion at the present time
  • Difficult to assess impact on size, population and boundaries at the present time (given uncertainty associated with current development proposals)
Principal Boundary Matter  – Willingdon and Jevington Parish Council requested a Principal Area Boundary Review (PABR) in respect of specific locations along the boundary between Wealden District and Eastbourne Borough Councils. Such a Review would be conducted by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) and be subject to the agreement and support of all Principal Councils affected.The request Be Not Supported
  • Eastbourne Borough Council has raised objections. This would not be in the best interest of the local communities affected, would cause significant complications for both the administration and smooth running of Parliamentary elections and would lead to voter confusion. Eastbourne councillors have never received and suggestions or comments from residents wishing to be part of [Wealden] Willingdon and Jevington.
  • No response from ESCC
  • Potential adverse impact on community cohesion at the present time
  • Community consultation exercise (August 2022) does not demonstrate community support
  • Does not meet LGBCE technical guidance for a PABR


The approved changes came into effect in a Re-Organisation Order shown below.

CGR ProposalCGR Draft RecommendationEvidence
To reduce the size of Framfield Parish Council from 11 to 9 Councillors with effect from the next election in May 2023The proposal Be Supported
  • Parish Council’s formal Council decision (May 2022).
  • Community consultation exercise (August 2022) demonstrates community support
  • Meets statutory criteria under Section 98 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
  • No adverse impact on community cohesion
  • No adverse impact on the size, population and boundaries of a local community or parish



Principal Area Boundary Review Matter – Community Consultation
Principal Boundary MatterDecisionEvidence
Ninfield Parish Council requested a Principal Area Boundary Review (PABR) in respect of its boundary between Wealden District and Rother District. Such a Review would be conducted by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) and be subject to the agreement and support of all Principal Councils affected.The request Be Not Supported
  • Rother District Council has not expressly supported the request.
  • No response from ESCC
  • Community consultation exercise (August 2022) demonstrates some support and raises a number of issues and concerns.
  • Does not meet LGBCE technical guidance for a PABR

The approved changes came into effect in a Re-Organisation Order shown below.

CGR ProposalCGR Final RecommendationEvidence
To separate the local government functions of the three villages of Westham, Stone Cross and Hankham as two entities, by the establishment of a separate parish council for the villages of Stone Cross and Hankham, to be known as Stone Cross and Hankham Parish Council.The proposal Be Not Supported
  • Community consultation exercise (August 2022) demonstrate a lack of community support
  • Meets statutory criteria under Section 98 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
  • Adverse impact on community cohesion
  • Adverse impact on the size, population and boundaries of a local community or parish
To alter the number of parish ward representatives within Westham parish by reducing the number from 5 to 4 in Westham ward and increasing the number from 2 to 3 in Dittons ward.The proposal Be Supported
  • Consultation with affected parties and community representatives demonstrates support
  • Meets statutory criteria under Section 98 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
  • Potential positive impact on community cohesion
  • No adverse impact on the size, population and boundaries of a local community or parish

The formal report and final Re-Organisation Order giving effect to these changes is available, please email elections@wealden.gov.uk