Tender Process - Wealden District Council - Wealden District Council
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Tender Process

The tender process stages are outlined below:

This procedure is open to all suppliers who wish to provide a tender.

The invitation to Tender is published via the South East Shared Services Portal,  providing a set of documents which include full instructions to bidders, a specification of what is required, any necessary supporting information and a Technical Questionnaire and Pricing Schedule.

The opportunity is advertised on Contracts Finder and Supply to East Sussex websites.

Bidders are requested to complete an online questionnaire which is a self declaration that shows they meet the minimum requirements for the contract and that there are no grounds for exclusion from the bidding process, along with their response to the Technical Questionnaire and their pricing proposal.

The evaluation of bids is carried out by an evaluation panel of suitably qualified officers which may include consultants.

Information on the award of the Contract is communicated via the Portal to all bidders with details of the winning contractor and relevant scores.

A notice is published via the Find A Tender Service (FTS)..

Once the notice has been published, the opportunity will be advertised on the Contracts Finder and Supply to East Sussex Websites.

An Invitation to Tender is published via the South East Shared Services Portal,  providing a set of documents which include full instructions to bidders, a specification of what is required, any necessary supporting information and a Technical Questionnaire and Pricing Schedule.

Bidders are requested to complete an online Selection Questionnaire which is a declaration that they meet the minimum requirements for the contract and that there are no grounds for exclusion from the bidding process, along with their response to the Technical Questionnaire and their pricing proposal.

The evaluation of bids is carried out by an evaluation panel of suitably qualified officers which may include consultants.

The successful contractor is advised that they are the preferred bidder and that a standstill period of 10 days must elapse before an award can be made, to allow for further feedback appeals from other suppliers.

Unsuccessful bidders are advised of the Council’s intention to award and are given details of their individual scores and those of the winning tenderer with details of the characteristics and advantages of the winning bid.  They have 10 days to appeal the decision.

If the standstill period elapses with no appeal, an award can then be made.

A notice is published via the FTS Website.

Once the notice has been published, the opportunity will be advertised on the Contracts Finder and Supply to East Sussex Websites.

Suppliers, via the South East Shared Services Portal, are provided with a set of documents providing full details of what is required and are first asked to complete a Selection Questionnaire which includes a set of project specific questions. Responses to these questions will be evaluated to determine which bidders go through to the next stage and be invited to provide a tender.

After Stage 1 has been completed, the Invitation to Tender is published via the South East Shared Services Portal to the shortlisted bidders from Stage 1.

The Invitation to Tender process is then followed along with the inclusion of a standstill period.

ESPH encourages bidders to make contact for additional feedback on their bid.

The award decision of all tenders over £25,000 will be published on Contracts Finder

(Only Open Tenders over £50,000 will be advertised on Contracts Finder).

If the tender has been published via FTS, a Contract Award Notice will be published on this platform.

For further information please contact the ESPH via:

Email: esph@wealden.gov.uk

Find us on Twitter @ESProcureHub

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