Procurement Regulations - Wealden District Council - Wealden District Council
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Procurement Regulations

The way in which we purchase goods, services and works is governed by UK law and by the Councils’ own internal procurement rules.

The Councils and ESPH have a legal requirement to comply with procurement directives, which govern the way in which public sector procurement is conducted for contracts over the thresholds set out below.

Please note that these thresholds are inclusive of VAT

Goods: £213,447

Services: £213,447

Works/Concessions: £5,336,937

Light Touch: £663,540

If the standard VAT of 20% applies then the thresholds before VAT are as follows:

Goods: £170,782

Services: £170,782

Works/Concessions: £4,269,550

Light Touch: £530,832

The purpose of the directives is to encourage open and transparent competition which is delivered through competitive tendering. All public sector procurement, including below thresholds, must abide by the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality and transparency.

Following the UK’s departure from the EU, the e-notification services of the Official Journal of the EU (OJEU) and Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) have been replaced by Find A Tender (FTS). To access FTS, please visit

For further information please contact the ESPH via:


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