Wealden District Council
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Supplier Charter

Wealden District Council are committed to delivering high-quality services and products to our communities. We recognise the importance of building strong partnerships with our suppliers, and we are committed to treating all our suppliers fairly and transparently.

This supplier charter works in a reciprocal way in respect of our suppliers and sets out the behaviours we would expect of each other and is our commitment to working collaboratively with them.

By working together, we can achieve our shared goal of delivering high-quality services and products to our community whilst delivering better value. We look forward to working with our suppliers to achieve this goal, and we welcome feedback and suggestions for how we can improve our supplier relationships.

                                                             What we expect of our Suppliers

  1. Respectful Treatment

Our employees, those of our suppliers, and service users have the right to respectful treatment. We will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or victimisation in the workplace or in connection with any government service. We expect our suppliers to provide the same commitment, including to their own employees. The Equality Act 2010 protects against discrimination, harassment, and victimisation.

  1. Quality

We expect our suppliers to provide products and services that meet the required quality standards. Suppliers must ensure that their products and services are fit for purpose, safe, and comply with all relevant legislation and standards.

  1. Cost and value for money

We expect our suppliers to offer competitive pricing and value for money. We encourage suppliers to submit innovative proposals that offer savings or other benefits.

  1. Sustainability

We expect our suppliers to operate in an environmentally sustainable way, minimize waste, and reduce their carbon footprint. Suppliers must comply with all relevant environmental legislation and standards.

  1. Ethical Standards

We expect our suppliers to operate with the highest ethical standards, comply with all relevant legislation, and act in good faith. Suppliers must not engage in bribery, corruption, or any other illegal or unethical practices including modern slavery.

  1. Communication and Collaboration

We expect our suppliers to communicate with us openly and honestly, and to work collaboratively with us to deliver the best possible outcomes for our community.

  1. Supply Chain

We expect our suppliers to manage their supply chain in a transparent, responsible, and sustainable manner, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, conducting due diligence, continuously improving their practices, and monitoring their supply chain regularly to identify and mitigate any risks.

                                                          Our commitment to our Suppliers

  1. Fairness and Transparency

We are committed to treating all our suppliers fairly and transparently. We will select suppliers based on merit, and we will provide clear and open communication throughout the procurement process.

  1. Payment Terms

We will pay suppliers in a timely and efficient manner, in accordance with the agreed payment terms.

  1. Feedback and Improvement

We will provide feedback to our suppliers on their performance, and we will work with them to identify areas for improvement. We encourage suppliers to provide us with feedback on our performance, so we can continually improve our processes and practices.

4. Relationship Management

We are committed to building strong and positive relationships with our suppliers. We will work collaboratively with them to understand their needs and requirements, and we will seek to build long-term partnerships based on mutual trust and respect.