Wealden District Council
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Wealden District Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it serves the public, and exceeds the minimum requirements of Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

Supplier Payments

The Council exceeds the Code by publishing all payments to suppliers (including costs, supplier and transaction information).

Council Service Structure Chart

Our seven service areas are shown in the Council’s Senior Management Structure.

Staff Pay, Pensions, Benefits and Apprenticeships

Information relating to staff pay and pensions. Links to current pay and pension policies as well as tables showing senior staff salaries.

Section 1 Data Publication
Data Publication Figure 2021 – 2022
Total number of employees at 31 March 2021, the day before the first day of the reporting period H 402
Of the total number of employees, how many were apprentices 3
During the reporting period (1/4/21-31/3/22) how many additional staff were employed 62
How many new apprentices started in this same period,(1/4/21-31/3/22) B 6
At the end of the reporting period (31/3/22), the total number of employees was (includes leavers and starters) 412
At 31/3/22 of my total headcount, x were apprentices 7
Percentage achieved (B/H x 100) 1.49%

Councillor allowances and expenses

Contracts and tenders

The Council is moving its contracts and tenders to the SE Shared Services e-Sourcing Portal.  Suppliers should register to be sent tendering opportunities.  Registration is free.

The Council also publishes Purchase Orders issued as per the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

Waste Contract Information

Community Grants

Grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector should be clearly itemised and listed.

Parking Revenues

The Council’s Parking costs and Revenues shown by financial year along with the number of Excess Charge Notices issued.

Controlled Parking Spaces

The number of controlled parking spaces, showing those free and charged for, and their location.

Trade Union Facility Time

The time and cost of staff time spent on trade union activities.

Data on fraud investigation activity at the Council.

Strategies, Policies and Plans

Policies, performance, external audits and key inspections and key indicators on the authorities fiscal and financial position.

Council Land

The location of public land and building assets and key attribute information that is normally recorded on asset registers. Please email corporateassets@wealden.gov.uk for the most up to date register.

Social Housing Asset Value

Details of the value of social housing stock that is held in the Housing Revenue Account.  The valuations are open market value and the Existing Use Value – Social Housing that reflect the value of the properties with a sitting tenant paying social rent.  The publication of this information is not intended to suggest that tenancies will end to realise the market value of the properties.

Supplier Payment Performance

Data of the Council’s performance in accordance with The Public Contract Regulations 2015.


Data of democratic running of the local authority including the constitution, election results, committee minutes, decision – making processes and records of decisions.

Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

This code is issued to meet the government’s desire to place more power into citizens hands to increase democratic accountability. It applies to the following types of authorities with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000:

  • parish councils
  • internal drainage boards
  • charter trustees
  • port health authorities

The code is mandatory from 1 April 2015 and requires the online publication of key spending and governance information on the occasions specified in the Code. Smaller authorities should publish:

  • all items of expenditure above £100
  • end of year accounts
  • annual governance statement
  • internal audit report
  • list of councillor or member responsibilities
  • the details of public land and building assets
  • Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings

View further details on the Transparency code for smaller authorities on the GOV.UK website

The above data is freely re-usable under the same terms as Data.gov.uk – Open Government Licence .