Your Right to Information
As a public authority, we are committed to transparency and accountability.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR), you have the right to request a wide range of recorded information held by the Council.
If you make a request by email or post, you need to include:
- your name and an address for correspondence
- what information is required
- how you would prefer to receive this information. For example, a summary of the information, a copy of the documents that the information comes from, or a visit to inspect records in person.
We will then tell you in writing whether or not we hold the information you have asked for. We will either:
- provide you with the information, in the format of your choice where possible
- or tell you if any exemptions apply.
Further details can be found about What to expect after making an information request | ICO.
What You Can Request
FOIA: Any recorded information we hold that is not personal or environmental.
EIR: Information specifically related to the environment, such as land use, pollution, planning, and wildlife.
Our Responsibilities
We must respond to your request within 20 working days.
If your request is complex, we may extend the timeframe, but we will inform you if this happens.
Some information may be exempt, but we will always explain why and advise on next steps.
Disclosure Log
We regularly publish responses to previous FOI and EIR requests in our Disclosure Log. Before submitting a request, you may find the information you need here.
Transparency and Open Data
We also proactively publish information in line with the Local Government Transparency Code. This includes spending data, contracts, salaries, and more. Explore our Transparency, Spending and Performance pages to see what’s available.
Fees and Charges
The information provided within our transparency pages is available free of charge. If there is a charge associated with the provision of information, this will be clearly shown.
If your request is for information not provided on our transparency pages, you may be required to contribute towards costs such as photocopying, translation services, or postage. We will advise you of the cost and you will need to pay this before we proceed with your request.
As from 1 April 2025, Wealden will be charging for some EIR requests. Further details can be found under page heading Fees and Charges.
How to Make a Request
You can submit a request by:
Using our online request form
Emailing us at
- Writing to: Wealden District Council
Council Offices,
Vicarage Lane,
BN27 2AX
Please provide as much detail as possible to help us locate the information quickly.
Need Help?
If you have any questions about FOIA or EIR requests, or need assistance in making a request, please get in touch using the details above.
You may find the ICO guidance How to access information from a public authority | ICO useful.
All requests for information will be recorded on our customer records management system in accordance with our Privacy Policy.