Wealden District Council
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Report a Missed Refuse Collection

Check your bin day

If you are unsure when your collection days are or what to put in each bin, you can find out using our bin collection day search facility.

Deadline for Reporting a Missed Bin

A missed bin must be reported to the Council at the latest by 5pm the day after the scheduled collection day. If the missed bin was not reported before this deadline, we are unable to arrange collection. You will need to wait until your next scheduled collection, or take the waste and/or recycling to a household waste recycling site .

Qualifying for a Missed Bin Collection

In order to receive a missed bin collection, you must have met the following criteria:

  • Placed the correct bin/container out for collection
  • Placed the bin/container out for collection before 7 am
  • The bin/container must not have been contaminated (for example; rubbish, or cardboard in a garden waste bin, glass in the recycling bin, or hard-core in a rubbish bin).

If you cannot confirm that the above criteria was met, we are unable to arrange a missed bin collection. You will need to wait until your next scheduled collection, or take the waste and/or recycling to a household waste recycling site .

Report a Missed Bin through My Wealden

In order to report a missed bin, you will need to login to My Wealden and complete the missed bin form. If you do not already have an My Wealden login, please or Register for My Wealden (you will need to live within Wealden and have an email address).