Wealden District Council

Clinical Waste

A free collection service is provided for the removal of infectious and hazardous healthcare waste.

Clinical waste collections are provided for residents of private households who are self-medicating.

Where a District Nurse attends the property to administer medication or change dressings, they will need to arrange a private collection for any waste/sharps generated.

Nursing homes, veterinary practices, dentist’s and doctor’s surgeries should contact an approved private contractor.

What We Collect

Glucose monitoring equipment user

Freestyle Libre, Dexcom or other branded glucose monitoring equipment (including sensors an applicators)

Yellow-topped sharps box

For infectious sharps contaminated with medicines. Yellow or orange topped boxes only

Purple-topped sharps box

Infectious sharps contaminated with cytotoxic/cytostatic waste. Purple topped box. (Generally medicines used for the treatment of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or fertility).

Orange sack

Infectious waste that can be treated (e.g. tissue, blood and equipment, dressings and swabs contaminated with blood and tissue)

General household waste

Medical waste that is not infectious and does not require specialist disposal should be placed in black bags in your rubbish bin. This will include, but is not limited to, sanitary waste; nappies; incontinence pads; disposable liners; stoma bags and urine containers.

However, additional refuse capacity can be provided on completion of an Additional Capacity Form.

How to arrange a Clinical Waste Collection

We will require you to complete a Clinical Waste Referral Form. 

Residents can obtain this form by calling the Contact Centre on 01323 443322.The form must be signed by your doctor or health professional and then returned to us. 

Once we have received your completed form, we will contact you to arrange for the details of the collection.

For further information on Clinical Waste Collections please refer to our Clinical Waste FAQs.