Land Use Consultants (LUC) was commissioned by Wealden District Council in 2021 to prepare a number of evidence base studies to inform the Local Plan making process. This included a Landscape Character Assessment, Strategic Landscape Sensitivity Assessment and Landscape Sensitivity Assessment of SHELAA sites.
In tandem with this, LUC was also commissioned to undertake a Landscape and Visual Appraisal of several potential growth areas that had been submitted for the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) as well as potential areas for growth within the High Weald National Landscape (formerly the High Weald AONB).
The studies are listed below and have helped inform the development of Local Plan policies, the site allocation process and the Sustainability Appraisal. The studies also provide landscape guidance for development management decisions, applicants and our Parish and Town Councils who are producing Neighbourhood Plans.
Wealden Landscape Character Assessment (2022)
The Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) for Wealden District covers the area outside the South Downs National Park. The LCA provides a comprehensive and up to date strategic district scale assessment of the landscape within Wealden. The LCA provides the framework for the more detailed landscape studies and sensitivity assessments which follow below.
The LCA has informed work on policy development and development management, guiding development and landscape change that is appropriate to local character and the qualities of the landscape.
Wealden Landscape Sensitivity Assessment to Residential and Employment Development (2023)
This study focuses on the relative landscape sensitivity of different landscapes within the district (outside the National Park) to residential and employment development in order to help inform decisions on the potential location of housing and employment growth, and the subsequent allocation of sites in the new Local Plan, as well as guide consideration of individual planning applications. The study covers SHELAA sites as well as the LCAs detailed in the Wealden Landscape Character Assessment (2022) above.
Wealden Landscape & Visual Appraisal – New Settlements and Large Urban Extensions (2023)
This study undertakes a landscape and visual appraisal of several potential areas within the district where significant growth was being considered as part of the spatial strategy and site allocation process. The areas were submitted through the SHELAA process.
The appraisal looks to ascertain the suitability of the potential development sites to accommodate growth (in landscape and visual terms), as well as determine any site-specific constraints and design considerations.
Eleven potential development sites, located on the fringes of six settlements, were appraised as follow:
- East Hoathly – ‘North of East Hoathly’
- Hailsham – ‘North of Hailsham’ and ‘West of Hailsham’
- Horam – ‘South of Horam’
- Polegate/Willingdon – ‘Polegate’ and ‘Polegate/Willingdon’
- Tunbridge Wells – ‘South of Tunbridge Wells’
- Uckfield – North of Uckfield’, ‘East of Uckfield’, ‘South of Uckfield’ and ‘West of Uckfield
Wealden Landscape & Visual Appraisal – Potential Development Sites in the High Weald AONB (January 2024)
This study undertakes a landscape and visual appraisal of 32 potential development sites, submitted through the SHELAA process, located on the fringes of 11 settlements (and within assessment units identified within the Landscape Sensitivity Assessment for Residential and Employment Development) within the High Weald National Landscape (formerly the AONB), as well as 7 potential development sites located within the wider landscape.
The appraisal looks to ascertain the potential for the sites to accommodate development (in landscape and visual terms), as well as determine any site-specific constraints and design considerations, with reference to their designation within the High Weald National Landscape.
It should be noted that this study was undertaken prior to the re-designation of the High Weald as a National Landscape and so reference within the report to the High Weald AONB should be taken as the High Weald National Landscape.
- Wealden Landscape & Visual Appraisal – Potential Development Sites in the High Weald AONB Main Report (January 2024)
- Wealden Landscape & Visual Appraisal – Potential Development Sites in the High Weald AONB Appendix A (January 2024)
Wealden Landscape Sensitivity Assessment – Renewable Energy Development (2024)
As part of the approach to tackling climate change adaptation and mitigation within the district, the Council will be exploring a road map and decarbonisation pathways to reach net zero, and the likely time frames to achieve this. Renewable energy is likely to play a key part of this process.
This study provides an indication of the landscape sensitivity of different parts of Wealden to ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy developments, so that potential landscape opportunities and constraints can be considered in addition to the technical opportunities/constraints for these types of developments. It will assist in the consideration of potential locations for such schemes, as well as guide consideration of individual planning applications.
The assessment uses the spatial framework of Landscape Character Types (LCTs) and component Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) identified in the Wealden Landscape Character Assessment (2022). LCTs form the basis for the assessments.