Wealden District Council
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Archaeology is the way we understand people’s activity in the past and how it has shaped the environment around us today. This includes below ground remains, manmade changes to the landscape and above ground remains.

Wealden has a rich archaeological heritage. East Sussex County Council maintains Archaeological Notification Area Maps (ANAs) which show areas in East Sussex, including for Wealden District, that have been investigated and found to contain archaeological remains. At present these are not available to view on their website. Please contact the East Sussex Historic Environment Record (external link) for further advice and to ascertain whether you are within an ANA.

There will be archaeological interest in a heritage asset if it holds, or potentially may hold, evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. Heritage assets with archaeological interest are the primary source of evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them.

East Sussex County Council maintains the database of all recorded and archaeological and historic sites, buildings and finds in the county and this is called the East Sussex Historic Environment Record (external link).

There is a common misconception that archaeology relates to below ground remains only. Buildings are also archaeology as they hold evidence of past human activity and are a primary source of evidence about the substance and evolution of places and the people and cultures that made them. Archaeological recording of standing buildings is a standard practice in order to help to understand significance, particularly where development is likely to impact upon a heritage asset through alteration or demolition, and to investigate the most appropriate routes for mitigation of harm where this can be achieved. Further information on Archaeological Interpretative Surveys of standing buildings is available on the East Sussex County Council website (ESCC) (external link).

The County Council also provides advice to applicants and local planning authorities on heritage planning matters affecting archaeology, including within Wealden District.

The Archaeology area on the (ESCC) website(external link) has more information on:

  • Heritage and Archaeology
  • Heritage and Land Management
  • The East Sussex Historic Environment Record
  • Heritage and Planning
  • Archaeological projects in East Sussex
  • Getting involved in archaeology