Partnerships can be formed between a number of individuals, agencies or organisations with a shared interest. There is usually an overarching purpose for partners to work together and a range of specific objectives. Partnerships are often formed to address specific issues and may be short or long term.
The Localism Act was passed in 2011 to change how local government operates and how public services are delivered. The Government believes its approach will free up local government so it can be responsive to local needs.
Wealden’s Partnerships
Wealden deliver some services in partnership with other organisations in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors. Find out more about the Partnerships we work with.
Wealden and Localism
The Council’s role is to facilitate localism across the District and provide supportive leadership. Councillors act as ambassadors, encouraging relevant partners to come together to create local solutions to local issues.
It sets out the legal framework for changes to governance, planning, housing and finance.