Please be advised that as of the 12th April 2021 enforcement within our car parks will commence for any overstays and all other Regulations.
Wealden Car Park Directory – Council owned or managed car parks
Comprehensive information about each car park, including the type and number of bays, it also shows a list of facilities nearby.
Parking On The Highway
Wealden District Council do not manage parking on the Highway, it has not been decriminalised and is the responsibility of East Sussex County Council and Sussex Police.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) in Uckfield
Uckfield High Street has been regenerated and as part of this, Network Rail has created a new Car Park for commuters to London. Wealden District Council has reduced the amount of Free Parking availability by reducing the Long Term Sections (23hr) to Mid Term Sections (10hr). This enables workers to park and shoppers to shop, encouraging the town to prosper.
As a result of the above changes ANPR now operates within the Luxford Field and Regency Close Car Parks in Uckfield.
The Road Traffic Regulation 1984, Section 35 (A) makes it an offence to fail to pay this excess charge.
Please note: If you do not adhere to the regulations of the Uckfield car parks, an Excess Charge Notice will not be attached to your vehicle, but will be sent via Royal Mail to the Registered Keeper.
An Excess Charge Notice (ECN) is issued when a breach of the Parking Order has taken place.
The Excess Charge Notice (ECN) fine is £70. This will be reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days. If payment is received after 14 days, the fine will remain at £70.
Car parking enforcement carried out by the Council is done so in accordance with the Wealden District Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2015 made under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984. Section 35 (A) of this act makes it an offence to fail to pay an excess charge.
For more information on the Wealden District Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2015, please visit the car parking regulations page.
Electric Vehicle Charge Points
We are working with Connected Kerb to provide more electric vehicle charging points across the entire district.
Starting from March 2023, some of the Wealden owned and managed car parks will be fitted with EV charge points. Car parks will remain open to the public throughout the duration of the works, although there may be some disruption.
Read more information about this and specific locations.
Reporting Issues with Electric Charging Points
If you encounter an issue, please contact Connected Kerb’s customer support on 0800 0291 696, quoting the charging point number.
Alternatively, you can email or report the problem directly via the Connected Kerb app.