News Articles

Wealden Draft Local Plan consultation dates released

Publish Date: 26 February 2024

The Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 document was agreed at a Full Council meeting and will be consulted on alongside its supporting Sustainability Appraisal. The consultation dates are now confirmed, meaning the consultation period will run from 5pm, Friday 15 March to 5pm, Friday 10 May 2024. Alongside the face-to-face exhibitions, Wealden District Council will...

Council Tax increase of 2.99% approved

Publish Date: 21 February 2024

The decision to increase the amount by 2.99% was approved by the council’s Cabinet Committee and ratified at a meeting of the Full Council this week. It means households living in Band D properties will pay an additional 12p a week for its share of the Council Tax for 2024/25, with other bands increased in...

Life-saving kit installed in Hailsham

Publish Date: 15 February 2024

Bleed control cabinets have equipment inside them which are specifically designed to handle life threatening bleeding and can help save someone’s live should a traumatic injury happen. Located next to Maybugs, in Vicarage Field, the cabinet contains a chest seal which can be placed over a wound that stops air going in but allows air to...

Wealden’s Draft Local Plan approved to go out for public consultation

Publish Date: 9 February 2024

The document was discussed at an Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council on Thursday after which councillors approved it and agreed for the formal Regulation 18 consultation to begin in March. The consultation will run for eight weeks and people will be able to view the Draft Local Plan at a virtual exhibition and in-person drop-in...

New chair appointed at Wealden

Publish Date: 9 February 2024

At a Full Council meeting on Thursday 8 February, Green Party councillor, Councillor Jessika Hulbert, who represents the Withyham ward, was elected to replace Councillor Coleman, who announced her resignation as chair of Wealden District Council last month. Councillor Coleman stood down from her chair duties as she is preparing to run as a candidate in the...