News Articles

Funding received to stamp out fly-tipping in Wealden

Publish Date: 22 May 2024

Delivered by the Rural Payments Agency on behalf of DEFRA, the Fly Tipping Intervention Grant has provided the council with funding for projects that increase the awareness of the Household Waste Duty of Care. Wealden council welcomes the funding, which will be spent on an advertising campaign helping householders make the right decisions when getting...

New council leader appointed

Publish Date: 15 May 2024

Councillor Rachel Millward, Alliance for Wealden (Green Party), lead councillor for Housing & Benefits and formerly the deputy leader of the council, was appointed at a meeting of the Full Council on Wednesday. She replaces Councillor James Partridge, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat), and lead councillor for Governance, Community Leadership and Communications, who had been leader...

Cycle repair stations on Cuckoo Trail

Publish Date: 14 May 2024

Two new bike repair stations, consisting of giant air pumps and a stand with a series of tools including tyre levers, screw drivers and allen keys, were recently installed in the Polegate and Heathfield areas. The cycle stations allow for minor repairs to be made to bikes so that visitors can easily and safely cycle...

Proposed cycleway linking Uckfield and Lewes to be explored

Publish Date: 13 May 2024

Wealden District Council and other partners are joining forces for the project, which could provide an off-road surfaced route, similar to the existing Cuckoo Trail and Forest Way for walking, cycling and wheeling. The nine-mile route will potentially link the two towns of Uckfield and Lewes and create an alternative cycling route to the A26...

Free health checks return to Wealden

Publish Date: 8 May 2024

One You provides a free holistic lifestyle service for residents of East Sussex, helping people make simple changes that can lead to a longer, healthier, and happier life.  The service delivers NHS health checks to residents, helps residents to lose weight, be smoke free, move more, eat well and drink less. COLIN, the service’s mobile...