Wealden District Council
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Debt and energy support helps residents in need

Publish Date: 4 October 2024

Residents are being reminded by Wealden District Council to utilise debt and energy support through Wealden Citizens Advice.

a women in a blue shirt is sitting in her kitchen surrounded by bills. She is holding a bill looking at it with confusion. There is a laptop to the right of the image

The organisation gives free, impartial advice on money, debt, benefits, housing or employment problems helping to support residents across the district.

The advice service is funded through the Wealden Community Grants programme receiving £165,000 per annum, between April 2022 – March 2025.

Between the months of April to June 2024, Wealden Citizen’s Advice has supported 1,375 clients, gained a total income of £672,961 for clients and had a total of £335,603 debt written off.

The Wealden based charity has recently helped a client make a fresh start financially after accumulating £49,000 in debts due to a relationship breakdown and the pandemic.

To alleviate immediate financial pressure, Wealden Citizens Advice placed the client under a ‘Breathing Space’ arrangement for two months. This provided temporary relief from creditor communications and bailiff visits while the Money Advice team explored debt resolution options. Due to the debt amount, making any reasonable repayment plan became unlikely.

Because of an increase in the debt relief order from £30,000 to £50,000 in June, the client was eligible to apply for a relief order which cleared her debt. The client now has a sustainable plan for managing her remaining obligations, helping her regain control over her finances.

Councillor Kelvin Williams, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat) and lead councillor for Public Health, Wellbeing and Asset Management said, “Wealden Citizens Advice is a vital voluntary service giving support and expert advice to residents in need during this cost-of-living crisis effecting the most vulnerable people in our community. They help residents with difficulties from debt and financial problems to personal and legal issues. The service provided is confidential and an invaluable resource in our district.”

Residents can contact the charity on 0808 278 7811 or 0800 144 88 48 anytime between 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday, contact them online through www.wealdencitizensadvice.org.uk  or visit one of their offices in Crowborough, Hailsham and Uckfield. Please be advised it is recommended to call ahead to avoid being turned away.

Citizens Advice are always seeking volunteers to keep this service running. To find out more about volunteer opportunities, go to https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/support-us/volunteering/.