Wealden District Council

Taxi Licensing Fees

Fees are payable at the time of making an application and applications submitted without the correct fee will be rejected.

Taxi Licensing Fees 2024-25
Licence Type Fees
Dual Driver 
Dual Driver’s Licence
(One year licence for new applicants)
£273 (£287 from 1st April 2025) 
Dual Driver’s Licence
(Three year licence for new applicants)
£546 (£573 from 1st April 2025) 
Dual Driver’s Licence
(One year licence for renewing applicants)
£252 (£265 from 1st April 2025) 
Dual Driver’s Licence
(Three year licence for renewing applicants)
£504 (£530 from 1st April 2025) 
Hackney Carriage 
New application
(No mechanical inspection required)
Application to renew
(No mechanical inspection required)
Change of licence on same vehicle£70 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Transfer of vehicle ownership£70 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Private Hire 
New vehicle application
(No mechanical inspection required)
Application to renew vehicle (No mechanical inspection required) £280
Operators Licence (3 years duration)£320
Operators Licence (5 years duration)£520
Operators Licence (3 years duration for more than 20 vehicles)£640
Operators Licence (5 years duration for more than 20 vehicles)£1000
Relief Vehicle (3 months) – see note below£130 (£150 from 1st April 2025) 
Relief Vehicle Licence Renewal (3 months)£70 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Change of licence on same vehicle£70 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Transfer of vehicle ownership£70 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Exemption Certificate (if not part of an application)£110 (£120 from 1st April 2025) 
Other Charges 
Inspections and visits carried out away from Council Offices at the Licence Holder’s request£77 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Replacement plates (external, where lost or damaged)£70 (£80 from 1st April 2025) 
Replacement plates (internal, where lost or damaged)£40 (£60 from 1st April 2025) 
Replacement licence£40 (£50 from 1st April 2025) 
Replacement driver’s badge (where lost or damaged)£40 (£50 from 1st April 2025) 
Additional copy of ‘Guidance Booklet for Drivers’£20 (£30 from 1st April 2025) 
Withdrawn Applications administration fee£165 (£200 from 1st April 2025) 
Additional fee if an application is referred to a Sub-Committee£300 (£330 from 1st April 2025) 
 Door Signs£24 (£25 from 1st April 2025) 
 DBS (payment made to Rother District Council)£77 (£100 from 1st April 2025) 
 DBS (if not part of the application)£270 (£360 from 1st April 2025) 
Knowledge Tests 
 Second Test£62 (£62 from 1st April 2025) 
 Third Test£89
 English Proficiency Test£49 (£50 from 1st April 2025) 
Additional administrative fee for application visits made at a distance greater than 5 miles outside of the Council’s boundary:- 
 Per new driver application£80 for the first hour then £55 for each additional hour
 Per renewal or vehicle application£80 for the first hour then £55 for each additional hour


  • A relief private hire vehicle licence is valid for 3 months with a 3 month extension available on payment of a further fee.  The vehicle is subject to the usual mechanical and general examination.

Make a Taxi or Private Hire Payment

Visit our page for information on how you can pay your Taxi and Private Hire fees. We do not accept payment by cheque.