To sell or supply alcohol, to provide regulated entertainment or to provide late-night refreshment you need to be licensed by your Local Authority.
You can find full guidance on Alcohol licensing at the website.
Apply for a new premises licence
Here you can find information on how to apply for a new premises licence.
Make changes to (vary) a licence
Here you can find information on how to apply to make changes to an existing premises licence.
Transfer a premises licence
Here you can find information on transferring an existing premises licence to a new owner or licence holder.
Vary a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on a premises licence
Here you can find information on changing the person specified as the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on a premises licence.
Premises licence application forms
Here you can find links to all online application forms and copies of our pdf application forms for applicants who do not wish to apply online. If you post your application you will need to make payment via our online payments page as cheques are not accepted by Wealden District Council. The ‘type of payment’ is Premises Licence and Clubs.
Premises and club application and annual fees
Here you can find information on initial application fees and annual maintenance fees. The fee for your Licence will depend on the rateable value of your premises, the capacity of the premises, its location and also the type of application.
Advertising applications
Here you can find guidance on how to advertise your new premises or Major Variation application.
Premises licence appeals and complaints
Here you can find information on redress for the applicant and Licence Holder and information on complaints for customers.