In order to sell or supply Alcohol, or to provide Entertainment, or Late Night Refreshment, you must have a Licence from your Local Authority under the Licensing Act 2003.
Premises Licence
If you want your premises to sell alcohol, provide entertainment, or late night refreshment you must have a Premises Licence.
Club Premises Certificates
Private Members Clubs must also be licensed for the supply of alcohol and/or entertainment and have separate application forms to premises licences.
Public Register of Applications for Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates
Here you can view details of new applications, variations and review of premises licences and club premises certificates.
Temporary Events
If you wish to hold an ad-hoc event involving the sale or supply of alcohol and/or the provision of entertainment you must apply for a Temporary Event Notice.
Personal Licences
Anyone supplying or authorising the sale of alcohol must hold a Personal Licence.
Any Licensed Premises which sells or supplies alcohol must have a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) named on the Licence and that individual must hold a Personal Licence.
Alcohol and entertainment additional information
Additional information about alcohol and entertainment licence applications.
Outdoor Events
If you are holding an outdoor event these pages will provide advice and guidance, including how to complete an Event Management Plan.
Live Music Act 2012
Live music has been de-regulated in certain circumstances, please visit our page for full details.
Interested parties
Interested Parties are the bodies or individuals who are entitled to make representation to Licensing Authorities concerning applications for the grant, variation or review of Premises Licences or Club Premises Certificates.
Premises and club application and annual fees
All premises licence and club application and annual fees can be found here.