Wealden District Council
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Business Organisations

There are a wide variety of organisations offering business support within the Wealden district:

Business East Sussex

A free service to East Sussex businesses; f funded by East Sussex County Council and the Local Growth Fund, providing unbiased navigation to the most relevant bodies, companies and organisations for your support needs.

Membership organisations

Including Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Small Businesses can be useful to help get your business name out there; membership often includes opportunities of networking, relevant seminars and training, access to professional advice and other support.  The membership organisations operating across Wealden include the:

Rural Business Support

Action in Rural Sussex

Supporting rural communities in Sussex.  The organisation works to promote the interests of rural communities including market towns and with community groups to help manage change ad achieve their aspirations.


Represents agriculture and horticulture in England and Wales.

Plunkett Foundation

Support rural communities across the UK to tackle the issues they face through community business.

Sign up to our monthly Business Newsletter to receive information and advice on grants, loans and business support services available to you.  

National Business Support Helpline

The Business Support Helpline offers advice and guidance to new and existing businesses. It has information on national and local schemes, grants and loans to help businesses start and grow.