Wealden District Council
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Business grants, loans and funding

Wealden business newsletter

Our bi-monthly business newsletter has useful information for local businesses in every sector, from business finance opportunities, local business success stories, upcoming business events, examples of good practice and general business news.

This is a free publication compiled by the Economic Development Team and distributed to the hundreds of local businesses already subscribed. Sign up today.

If there are any topics of interest you would like to hear about, please email: economicdevelopment@wealden.gov.uk

East Sussex County Council also produce a monthly newsletter which includes funding opportunities for businesses and charities.  To sign up visit the East Sussex Funding News website.

There are a number of grants, loans and funding streams available to businesses at every stage of development, from start-ups to those established businesses looking to grow.

Business East Sussex

Business East Sussex is your first stop for business support, help and advice available on start up, growing your business and grants available.

East Sussex Invest 8 – Business Growth Funding

Funding from East Sussex County Council and the Regional Growth Fund which looks to support the local economy and create jobs.  Locate East Sussex deliver the fund in partnership with ESCC.  The fund offers grants and loans for capital investment to stimulate business growth and job creation. 

Stalled Sites Funding

This one off capital fund is open to applications which will be considered quarterly.   The remaining funds total £600,000 and once these are exhausted the fund will close.