Wealden District Council
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Apprenticeships, Skills and Education


Employing an apprentice

There are some real benefits to employing an apprentice; filling a resource gap, developing skilled staff, motivating your workforce and also making your organisation more productive and competitive.

There are many high-quality apprenticeships to take advantage of that give individuals the skills and experience they need for a successful career.

The Council are actively involved in the Apprenticeships East Sussex group who deliver the Skills East Sussex plan.  If you are interested in finding out more about taking on an apprentice visit the Skills East Sussex .

Open Doors

A workplace based project run by East Sussex County Council and supported by Skills East Sussex.  School pupils are given the unique opportunity to visit workplaces and hear from employers about the range of jobs available and career paths.  Businesses interested in opening their doors to groups of students in 2022 can contact OpenDoors@eastsussex.gov.uk.

Industry champion

The Industry Champion badge is awarded by East Sussex County Council and is recognised by all schools in East Sussex, highlighting the careers support offered by business to local young people in the County. The badge can be achieved through a number of ways e.g. attending a careers fair, mock interviews, work experience, apprenticeships. To find out more contact East Sussex County Council. 

Business and Education

Businesses, schools and government all have an increasingly key role to play in overcoming the skills gap.  With many businesses concerned that they will not be able to attract and retain the employees they need in the future, particularly those with high level skills and in important sectors such as manufacturing and engineering, it is clear that business and education need to work much more closely together if we are going to solve these problems.

Skills East Sussex 

Here in East Sussex, we need a skills system which is responsive to the needs of business and which supports residents to fulfil their potential. We will achieve this by:

  • Achieving better alignment of skills provision to meet local employer needs
  • Increasing the number of people in the workforce with high level skills
  • Improving work readiness, including soft and basic skills

Skills East Sussex is the county’s strategic body for employment and skills.  The group aims to drive an improvement in local employment and skills in order to increase economic prosperity in East Sussex.

Enterprise Adviser Programme 

The Enterprise Adviser Programme is helping boost careers education and is intended to support economic growth.  East Sussex County Council continues to encourage schools to sign up to the Programme which sees schools matched with local businesses.  Those taking part already recognise how important it is that students are given the best possible advice and support when it comes to choosing and working towards their future careers.

The Enterprise Advisers are a volunteer network drawn from local businesses to work with schools and colleges across the county.

Schools or businesses wanting to participate in the scheme can find out more by visiting the website above or by email to  EnterpriseCoordinator@eastsussex.gov.uk

ESCC Training And Learning For Businesses 

Across Wealden and East Sussex there are many training and learning opportunities available to businesses.  Please visit the East Sussex County Council website for information.

Sussex Chamber Of Commerce  

The Sussex Chamber of Commerce provides  practical, short training courses targeted at a wide variety of business needs.

Sussex Downs College 

Sussex Downs College provides first aid, IT skills and management techniques which are just a selection of the bespoke business training courses available.


Your local enterprise agency providing courses especially for start-up businesses.

University of Brighton  

The University of Brighton runs the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships  programme – a national government scheme which provides up to 67 per cent grant funding to enable companies to become more innovative, competitive and profitable by engaging in knowledge transfer with universities

Sign up to our monthly Business Newsletter to receive information and advice on grants, loans and business support services available to you.