Wealden District Council
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Steps Taken to Ensure Equality

This page provides information about the steps we have taken to have due regard to the aims of the equality duty.  This includes information about how we had due regard in making certain decisions, our Equality Impact Assessments and details of policies to address equality concerns.

Employment information:

  • The Wealden Equality Objectives Report provide details and feedback of engagement with staff and trade unions.  The aim of the Wealden Equality Scheme is to set out how we will ensure that all our services and employment opportunities are provided with equity and fairness to everyone.
  • The staff surveys we carry out show quantitative and qualitative research with employees.
  • The Wealden Equalities Objectives provide details of policies and programmes that have been put into place to address equality concerns raised by staff and trade unions.

Equality & Fairness Impact Assessments

An Equality & Fairness Impact Assessment (EFIA)  is used to look at new or existing policies, strategies and services to identify what effect or likely effect they will have on different groups within our communities, including those with protected characteristics.  Our EFIA’s show how we have had due regard to the aims of the equality duty in decision making.

The Wealden Objectives Annual Report provides a summary of the steps taken over the past year to achieve our equalities objectives. It sets out our ongoing activity for the next 12 months for approval by Cabinet.

These documents show the policies and programmes that have been put into place to address equality concerns. 

Information about the Council’s Services and Other Functions

The Wealden Disability Involvement Group

The Wealden Disability Involvement Group (WDIG), is a group of disabled people living in Wealden, who help and advise the Council on many Council services.  WDIG allows us to engage with service users who are disabled.

Internal Equalities Group

Our Internal Equalities Group meets quarterly to discuss equality issues, co-ordinate the mainstreaming of equalities and diversity and oversee the development and progress of the Wealden Equality Scheme. The responsibility to promote equality of opportunity and to take action to identify and address possible discrimination whenever and wherever it could occur is the individual responsibility of every Councillor and employee of Wealden District Council.