Wealden District Council

Unauthorised encampments

Wealden District Council recognises the rights of Gypsies and Travellers to have a nomadic life style and have access to services for health, education and accommodation.

We work in partnership with many organisations including Sussex Police, East Sussex County Council and all of the District and Borough Council’s in East Sussex.

Within the Wealden District we have Gypsies and Travellers on both permanent sites and also within dwellings in the settled community.

The partnership working includes participation in the East Sussex Traveller Protocol, having regard to the Accommodation Needs Assessment of Gypsies and Travellers and also the Police protocol in dealing with unauthorized encampments. East Sussex County Council manage all unauthorised encampments in the Wealden area for contact details see East Sussex Council

Following consultation with community and traveller representatives, a methodology and site criteria on which assessments of all potential traveller sites would be based has been agreed.

Report a travellers encampment online

If you would like to report an unauthorized encampment please fill in our online form

Useful contacts

The Friends, Families and Travellers  website.

Sussex Police:

Telephone: 0845 6070 999

East Sussex Traveller Liaison Manager:

Telephone: 01273 481344