Wealden District Council
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Single and Family Residential Caravan Sites

The Council licences sites used for mobile (park) homes, static holiday caravans, touring caravans and tents. Licences are issued under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Public Health Act 1936 for tents and moveable dwellings.

Holiday, touring, tent sites and residential mobile home parks are licenced by Rother and Wealden Environmental Health Service.

The Property Services team licence single and family residential sites.

Do I need a site licence?

If you have, or wish to place a caravan(s) on land, then for most cases, you will be required to have a licence. Before we can issue a licence you will need the appropriate planning permission. It is an offence under The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (The Act) to permit land to be used as a caravan site without the benefit of a site licence. For more information please contact our planning department on 01892 653311.

Definition of a caravan

The Act defines a caravan as “any structure designed or adapted for human habitation which is capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed, or by being transported on a motor vehicle or trailer) and any motor vehicle so designed or adapted”.

Do all caravans require a site licence?

There are some circumstances when a licence is not required :-

  • A caravan sited within the curtilage of a dwelling and its use is incidental to the dwelling. This means it cannot be occupied separately.
  • A single caravan sited for not more than two consecutive nights for a maximum of 28 days in any 12 months.
  • Up to three caravans on a site of not less than five acres for a maximum of 28 days in any 12 months.
  • Sites occupied by exempted organisations such as the Caravan Club.
  • Sites of up to 5 caravans certified by an exempt organisation and which are for members only sites occupied by the County Council. These are usually gypsy sites sites for temporary and special purposes such as caravan rallies, agricultural and forestry workers, building and engineering sites and travelling showmen.

Is there a charge for the license?

Yes under the Mobile Homes Act 2013 the fee policy is shown below:

Relevant Protected SitesBand A(2-5 Units)Band B (6-24 Units)Band C (25-99 Units)Band D (100+ Units)Band ESingle unit and family sites)
Mobile Homes Act 2013 Fees
New Application for Site Licence £192 £330£360 £385£180
Transfer of Site Licence£66£120£120£120£70
Amendment of Site Licence£66£120£120£120£120
Annual FeeNo Fee£200
Plus £0.50 per unit for registration of fit and proper person
Plus £0.50 per unit for registration of fit and proper person
£300No Fee
Depositing of Park Rules with Local Authority£50£80£80£80 £50

How do I apply for a licence?

To apply for a licence, you will need to complete our online application form, provide certain information about the caravan site and pay a fee. The form is available under Section ‘C’ and is called Caravan Site License Application.  If you click on the link, it will take you directly to the online form, but you will first need to either sign into your Wealden account or sign up for one.

Should you need to save the form part way through, a link will be sent to the email address you enter, which allows you to go back to into the partially completed form and finish it at a later date.

How long will the license last?

A site licence remains in force until there is a change of owner or change in planning consent. Some sites e.g. those connected with agriculture often have time limited planning consent. When planning consent is approved a new license will have to be applied for. Where there is a change of caravan owner, the license is transferable to the new owner. A fee will apply as shown in the table above. You should send us the license and relevant fee with a request for transfer and we will either endorse it or re-issue it.

Will conditions be attached to a license?

All caravan site licenses have conditions attached to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents. The license identifies the site owner. Conditions will include:

  • The type of caravan, i.e. residential, static holiday or touring.
  • The permitted density (the number per acre/hectare) and the spacing between caravans.
  • Water supply and drainage; the provision of adequate amenities.
  • Fire precautions and electrical installations.

Here is a list of conditions for:

Can I appeal against the conditions?

Section 7 (1) of The Act allow a right of appeal against conditions attached to a site license. An appeal must be made to the Residential Property Tribunal within 28 days of the license being issued.

Offences and Penalties

Section 9 (1) of The Act makes it an offence for a site license holder to fail to comply with any conditions attached to the license. If the local authority is satisfied that a breach of a condition under a site licensee has occurred, they may serve a compliance notice on the occupier of the land. The local authority may charge for service of the notice. The occupier may appeal to a Residential Property Tribunal against the notice. An occupier who fails to take the steps specified in a notice which has become operative commits an offence and may be liable to a fine on summary conviction.  The site license may be revoked where the occupier has been convicted of breaching site license condition(s) on 3 or more occasions on application by the local authority to the Magistrates’ Court.

Where an occupier has been convicted of an offence the local authority may take any steps required by the compliance notice to be taken by the occupier, but which have not been completed. Local authorities also have the power to take emergency action and to recover the costs incurred in either case.

Because this license is covered by the EU Services Directive, you can also apply online through the gov.uk website.