Thinking about letting your home?
Lacors have produced an advice leaflet to help you understand the responsibilities of becoming a private landlord. It is not intended as a comprehensive summary of the relevant legislation and you may need to seek independent legal advice.
The government have provided information on renting out your property including landlord responsibilities.
National Landlord Association
The National Landlords Association exists to protect and promote the interests of private residential landlords whilst encouraging the supply of good quality accommodation and professional standards of management.
Residential Landlord Association
The Residential Landlord Association (RLA) is a leading voice for landlords in England and Wales representing over 17,000 landlords.
Letting your property out and Sustaining the tenancy
The Council offer a free service to private tenants, landlords, letting/estate agents to help with tenancy sustainment.
We can help with:
- breakdown of communication
- section 21 notices
- landlord and tenant rights
- rent arrears
- condition of property
- support needs
- antisocial behaviour
and much more.
Our Tenancy Sustainment Officer will work with both parties to explore the options to resolve the issue/s being experienced and to prevent homelessness.
We can also help you:
- Let out any vacant properties that you have
To find out more about either of these services contact us at
Information for landlords on minimum standards and Regulations.
Private Rented Housing Standards
Advice for landlords on the Housing Health and Safety Rating System.
Houses In Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Property licenses for landlords of HMO’s under the Housing Act 2004.