Wealden District Council
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The main housing duty

At the end of the 56-day relief duty, if the Council decides you are in priority need and not intentionally homeless, we are likely to owe you the main housing duty. This decision would not be made until prevention duty has ended, (usually up to 56 days) and the relief duty comes to an end (another 56 days) where all efforts to facilitate a housing solution have failed.

If you are owed the main duty, you may be offered Temporary Accommodation (see our East Sussex Temporary Accommodation Policy or you may remain in emergency (B&B) accommodation until we can make an offer of accommodation. This will either be in the private rented sector, or from the housing register if you qualify and your priority is high enough. If you refuse any offer of accommodation made, our duty will be discharged. If this happens, you can request a review.

What happens if I am not in priority need?

If the Council decides you are not in priority need, you would be notified of this decision. If you are staying in emergency accommodation, you would be given a short time to vacate the accommodation. You can request a review of the decision. We would not have a duty to provide accommodation, so you would need to find somewhere to live yourself.

What happens if I am intentionally homeless?

If the Council considers you may be intentionally homeless, you may be notified of our intention to make this decision during the 56-day relief duty. When the decision is made, if you are staying in emergency accommodation you will be able to stay in the emergency accommodation for a limited period. We will not have a duty to find other accommodation for you.

If you have children, with your permission, we can ask Children’s Services to assist you. If we consider your children are at risk, we have a duty to refer your family to them.

Further information

For full details of the Council’s duties under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 or if you require Housing Advice please contact a member of the Housing Options Team on 01323 443380 or by emailing housingoptions@wealden.gov.uk or by writing to us at the Hailsham Offices.