Wealden District Council
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Annual Housing Factsheet – 2023


Wealden District is made up of 42 towns and parishes. Wealden’s housing market is primarily focussed on a set of towns and larger settlements. These are influenced in turn by relationships with larger towns which sit just beyond the local authority boundaries. These relationships include those between Forest Row and East Grinstead, Crowborough and Tunbridge Wells, Hailsham and Eastbourne and, to a lesser extent, Uckfield and Haywards Heath. These relationships reflect local commuting patterns, with workers in these larger external towns seeking housing opportunities nearby. There is also some relationship in terms of localised house prices.

There is also a regional overlay to the housing market, with settlements to the north being closer in travel time to London as well as the Gatwick/Crawley area and the M25 corridor.

The overall effect is that the north of the District has a housing market that includes inner south east characteristics, while the south includes characteristics of its nearby south coast. This results in higher prices being found to the north on a per square foot basis or for similar types of properties. There is, of course, some variation within local areas.

The Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2015 highlighted that the Wealden District Council Housing Market Area (HMA) encompasses a wider area beyond the district, to include:

  • Wealden
  • Eastbourne
  • Tunbridge Wells
  • Rother
  • Lewes and
  • Mid Sussex.


The tables below compares migration from 2010 to 2020 (when the last figures were published).

Migration from other parts of the UK, into and out of Wealden:







Migration into Wealden – people






Migration out of Wealden – people






Net increase in population as a result of migration






The table above shows that Wealden’s population grew by 1,761 people in 2023 as a result of migration within the UK, up from 1,162 in 2010.

Migration from outside of the UK, into and out of Wealden:







Migration into Wealden – people






Migration out of Wealden – people






Net increase in population as a result of international migration






The table above shows that Wealden’s population grew by 351 people in 2022 as a result of international migration up from 115 in 2010.

Overall migration by age:





0-14 years




15 – 24 years




25-44 years




45-64 years




65+ years




The table above illustrates that the 25-44 years olds are the biggest group affected by migration. 

The 2021 Census found that Wealden had a population of around 160,100 people across around 68,300 households.

Trend based population projections estimate that the population in Wealden will continue to grow reaching 196,017 by 2037. There will be a growth in numbers in the age band of 65+.


However, those aged 0-17 as a percentage of the overall population will fall by 1.2% and those aged 18-64 years will fall by 5%, whereas those aged 65+ will grow by 6%. By 2037 those aged 65+ will make up 32.8% of Wealden’s population.



Owned – all

Shared ownership

Social rented

Private rented

Living rent free








South East







East Sussex










































Source: 2021 Census                                           

Wealden is the largest district in East Sussex and covers 323 square miles. The Council continues to own and manage its own housing stock. As of 13 April 2023 (updated this as this is when the stock pivot was last refreshed) Wealden owned 3027 rented properties across the 5 main towns in the District and in 30 of the 37 parishes. This is made up of 14.4% retirement living housing (of which 0.43% are bungalows and 1.1% bedsits), 33.6% flats, 0.2% bedsits, 8.36% bungalows and 42.3% houses. In addition, the service manages 27 Housing Association properties in Crowborough, 203 leasehold flats sold under the Right to Buy, 59 retirement leasehold properties and two Right to Buy shared ownership properties and 18 other shared ownership properties.      properties and 11 other shared ownership properties.     

The table below shows the property prices in Wealden and compares it to the national, South East and East Sussex prices. These prices are taken from the ESIF (East Sussex in Figures) for 2022 and shows the increase in property prices since 2015.


Median property prices 2022

Median property prices 2015

Increase in £’s and as a %

Lower quartile property prices 2022

Lower quartile property prices 2015

Increase in £’s and as a %











England and Wales









South East









East Sussex









The percentages have been rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.

The table shows that Wealden’s median and lower property prices in 2022 were higher than the England and Wales, South East at East Sussex figure at £286,000 and £380,000 respectively.  

It is also worth noting that within East Sussex, Wealden has the highest median property price followed by Lewes at £340,000 followed by Rother at £25,000.

Property Size

Social Rent

Affordable Rent




1 bed



2 beds



3 beds



4 beds



5 beds



6+ beds



All properties








Please note that traditionally all council rents were social rents, however any new properties built or acquired with Government grants must be set at affordable rents which are up to 80% of the cost of private rents for the same type of property in the same location.


The table below shows the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates. These are set by the Rent Service and are based on the lowest 30th percentile of properties available for rent in the broad rental market by size. The amount of Local Housing Allowance used in the calculation of Housing Benefit/Universal Credit depends on the accommodation needs of the household, not the size of property.  



Local Housing Allowance Rates




1 Bed Shared

1 Bed Self Contained

2 Bed

3 Bed

4 Bed

Crawley & Reigate


























High Weald













Sussex East














To find which Broad Market Rental Area (BRMA) a property is within, use the Rent Service postcode search on


Below lists the total number of new homes that have been built in the District per annum since 2004/05 (includes both private and affordable housing and are gross figures).
Year Number of new homes (gross)
2023/24 994
2022/23 1,164
2021/22 685
2020/21 724
2019/2020 1,034
2018/19 831
2017/18 554
2016/17 575
2015/16 533
2014/15 608
2013/14 640
2012/13 679
2011/12 631
2010/11 756
    New Affordable Homes   The table below shows the number of new affordable properties built by year and tenure (excluding new council homes). It also shows the number of properties that have been acquired through the Homebuy scheme operated by Moat on behalf of the Government in this part of the country. In 2011/12 a new rented model was introduced which allows Housing Associations to charge up to 80% of the market value for their properties. Since this time all new build rented affordable housing built with Government subsidy, will have rents of up to 80% of market rent.        
Year of completion Number of intermediate rented units Number of social Rented units Number of Affordable Rent Number of shared ownership units Total new properties built or acquired Homebuy units – shared ownership via Moat and Government loans Total No of homes
2017/18 not recorded 0 107 40 147 Information no longer collected 147
2018/19 not recorded 0 74 56 130 Information no longer collected 130
2019/20 4 9 184 76 273 information no longer collected 273
2020/21 8 24 179 64 275 information no longer collected 275
2021/22 0 8 150 23 181 information no longer collected 181
2022/23 0 0 113 105 218 Information no longer collected 218
2023/24 16 49 212 110 387 Information no longer collected 387
  The Council began building new council homes in 2013/14 after a 30-year break. The table below shows a breakdown of the properties we have either built or acquired since that time. All of these properties have affordable rents.
Year Council New Build Council acquired new build properties Council street purchased properties (second-hand properties) Total
2017/18 12 0 0 12
2018/19 17 11 0 28
2019/20 67 0 0 67
2020/21 28 0 15 43
2021/22 0 14 5 19
2022/23 14 0? 1 15
The table above which shows the number of new council homes built in recent years and should be contrasted with the table below on Right to Buy sales. The table below shows the number of Council properties lost through the Right to Buy .
Number of Council houses sold Number of Council flats sold Total number of council properties sold
2017/18 13 8 21
2018/19 11 4 15
2019/20 15 3 18
2020/21 9 0 9
2021/22 12 0 12
2022/23 8 4 12
2023/24 3 2 5

As of 30 April 2024 there were 1073 households registered on the Council’s Housing Register.

Of these 1073:

  • 533 required a 1-bedroom property.
  • 293 required a 2-bedroom property.
  • 192 required a 3-bedroom property.
  • 55 required a property with more than 3 bedrooms of which 49  required 4 bedrooms and 6 required 5 or more bedrooms.

Breakdown of the 1073 applications by Band:

  • Band A = 82
  • Band B = 79
  • Band C = 360
  • Band D = 552



This compares with the total 557 social homes, which became available to those on the Housing Register between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. Of which 236 were Council properties and 321 Private Registered Providers (Housing Associations known as PRP).

Of the 236 council properties let:

  •  14 were temporary accommodation bedsits.
  • 128 were 1-bedroom properties – with 2 bungalows, 84 flats of 8 which were temporary accommodation and 42 retirement living flats.
  • 75 were 2-bedroom properties – with 7 bungalows, 41 flats of which 3 were temporary accommodation, and 27 houses.
  • 16 were 3-bedroom properties – all were houses.
  • 3 were a 4-bedroom house.

Of the 146 PRP properties

  • 79 were 1 bedroom, one of which 10 were sheltered/retirement living, 1 were 1-bedroom houses and 68 were 1-bedroom flats.
  • 168 were 2-bedroom properties, 57 were flats, 5 were bungalows (2 Retirement living) and 106 houses.
  • 64 were 3-bedroom properties of which 63 were houses and 1 bungalow
  • 9 were 4-bedroom properties of which 9 were houses.

93.9% of our homes  meet the Decent Homes Standard which we maintain through an active programme of property inspections and works.  

In 2023/24 we completed the following works:

  • Repointing Works – 32
  • Door canopies – 12
  • Resurfaced footpaths – 25
  • Replacement windows to whole house – 121     
  • Replaced doors (including fire doors) – 190
  • New doors, windows or roofs to sheds – 18
  • Replacement kitchens – 57
  • Replacement bathrooms – 74
  • Replacement roofs – 33

We are continuing to work with resident groups and analyse feedback from surveys to further improve our service and ensure we prioritise our works according to need and their expectations having consideration to available budgets.

In 2023/24 we completed the following works:

  • Replacement gas boilers. – 126
  • Upgraded electrical heating systems. – 0
  • Installed new/replacement air source heat pumps – 95
  • Loft Insulation – 191
  • Cavity Wall Insulation – 148
  • PV systems – 177

We continue to work in partnership with statutory and voluntary groups to disseminate information and advice on energy efficiency and are currently developing a program of work to improve the energy efficiency of our properties. (We work in partnership to offer advice and signpost owner occupiers to grant funding schemes available for energy efficiency measures and have been undertaking a project to locate and improve the energy efficiency of private rented properties which do not meet the minimum standard.

The Council continues to fund adaptations to properties to both council and private homes (including Housing Association properties) via the Disabled Facilities Grants Procedure. Work carried out includes major adaptation works such as conversion of bathrooms into shower rooms as well as minor adaptations, such as handrails, were undertaken for council tenants.

In 2022-23 there the following major adaptations were carried to:

  • 30 council tenants
  • 30 owner occupiers
  • 16 housing association tenants
  • 5 private rented tenants
  • 2 Right to occupy

Additionally, 298 minor adaptations were carried out for council tenants.

The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2023 reported that the median gross annual income for all employees working in Wealden was £32,968, which is lower than the England figure of £35,568, the South East median figure of £36,608 but higher the East Sussex figure of £32,448. It is ranked third highest in East Sussex out if the five authority areas, behind Eastbourne whose median was £33,904 and Lewis whose median was £33,748.

However, the median annual income of Wealden residents is higher than employee-based figures at £35,360 per annum. This figure is lower than the England figure of £35,516, the South East figure of £37,648 but higher than the East Sussex figure of £35,048. It is also the third highest in East Sussex behind Lewes whose annual median income is £35,932 and Eastbourne whose median was £37,804.

The median annual income of Wealden residents is higher than that of Wealden employees due to high levels of commuting out of the District.

Average income for all Wealden residents in 2023 in comparison to elsewhere (both full and part time workers):


Annual Median Income – Wealden employees

Annual Median Income – Wealden residents




South East



East Sussex


















East Sussex in Figures taken from Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2023


As at February 2024 Wealden has a claimant rate[1] (including Job Seekers Allowance and Universal Credit) of just 2.1 % which is much lower than the national figure of 3.9%, the South East figure of 3.0% and East Sussex figure of 3.6%. It is the lowest rate in East Sussex, with the next lowest being Lewes at 3.2% and the highest Hastings at 5.3%. These figures vary across the age profiles of claimants in Wealden, peaking for those aged 18-24 at 3.4%, with 2.8% of 25- to 49-year-olds and 1.2% of 50- to 64-year-olds claiming unemployment benefits. 

[1] From East Sussex in Figures

The Indices of Deprivation were last updated in 2019. They assessed deprivation having regard to income and employment, education, skills and training, health deprivation and disability, crime, barriers to housing and services and living environment. They show that within East Sussex, Wealden continues to be the least deprived district in East Sussex, with Hastings the most deprived locally and one of the worst nationally. The most deprived wards continue to be in Hailsham East and Hailsham South and West, with the worse indices being Health, Deprivation and Disability and Crime or Living Environment.

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. It requires all households in housing need now or within 56 days to have an assessment of their situation, support needs and housing requirements. A personalised housing plan (PHP) will be agreed between the local authority and themselves setting out the steps for the Council and the applicant to take to prevent or relieve their homelessness. Applicants will be supported to carry out the actions within their plan, which is monitored and regularly reviewed.

During 2022/23 we completed 387 personalised housing plans.

During 2022/23 482 homelessness applications were made, which is up from 389 the previous year. Of these 81 were accepted as homeless and 198 cases of homelessness were prevented or 41.08% down from 57.58% in 2021/22. Wherever possible those at risk of homelessness will be assisted e.g. through help to enable them to stay in their current accommodation or through assistance to secure alternative accommodation for example through a deposit or guarantee. 

In the 2022/2023 the average length of stay in emergency accommodation was 10.67 weeks, up from 7.8 weeks in 2021/2022. The increase in length of stay in emergency accommodation is as a result of changes made in the private rented sector, with fewer affordable properties available.

Total households in emergency accommodation (as at year end) was 49. This increase from previous years (2019/20 and before) is due to Government changes (Rough Sleepers Initiative) which have resulted in rough sleepers now being placed in temporary accommodation whereas in the past they would not have necessarily been eligible for assistance under the Homelessness legislation.

The Wealden area remains one of the safest places to live and work in the UK. From the year to January 2023, there were a total of 6594 crimes reported. This equates to about 41 crimes per 1000 people which is a slightly higher rate than last year. The crime rate for Sussex Police over the same period was 69 crimes for every 1000 people.

Road safety remains a high priority; sadly, far too many road users are killed or seriously injured on Wealden’s roads. In the year from January 2023, 495 people were killed or injured on Wealden’s roads. This is a 16% rise from the same period last year. Of these 495 people, 7 (1%) people were killed and 134 (27%) sustained serious injuries. The statistics reveal that younger drivers are at particular risk as are motorcyclists of all ages.

The statistics show that most of the more serious crashes occur relatively close to the driver’s / rider’s home. One explanation for this is that we all have a tendency to think about other things when driving on familiar roads… habits take over. And when we are not concentrating, we put ourselves at higher risk. Speed too always makes the outcome of any crash worse. So, the message is clear concentrate, avoid distraction whenever you are using the roads and slow down.

The Safer Wealden Partnership brings together a number of agencies, all working together to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour and manage the fear of crime. The partners include Sussex Police; Wealden District Council; East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service; the Office of the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner; East Sussex County Council; the Wealden District Association of Local Councils; the Probation Service; local education; and the NHS.

The Safer Wealden Partnership’s priorities for 2022/23 are:

  1. Working to ensure local people feel safe and secure and reducing the fear of crime.
  2. Working together to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Wealden’s roads and to improve road safety awareness.
  3. Working to protect and divert young people away from crime and anti-social behaviour.
  4. To work in partnership to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour.
  5. Working to reduce acquisitive crime.
  6. Working with partners to understand the impact of serious violence in the district and begin work to reduce it.

Everyone has a role to play in reducing crime and there are practical steps we can all take to minimise our chances of being a victim of crime. In addition, we should always report anything that appears suspicious to the Police. Take a look at the Sussex Police website for tips on crime prevention and on how to report crime . You can also report anti-social behaviour, as well as see what is being about it on the Police-run operation crackdown website