Details on how you go about ending your tenancy and transferring to another property, exchanging properties and moving to a different part of the country.
Alterations made to Property
- You should have requested permission from the Council prior to making any alterations to the property
- Any fixtures or fittings installed without permission to be removed
- To put right any damage, for example refitting any removed or damaged doors
- If poor standard of works has been carried out and have been left, the works will be removed and will be recharged, this will include the decorations and finishes
- Any alterations you have made, including ponds, patios, etc, must not be left, unless you have permission from the Council
- Loft spaces must be cleared even if you believe the items were there when you moved into the property
Cleaning Checklist
- The property is cleaned throughout
- All kitchen units and bathroom fittings are thoroughly cleaned
- Make arrangements for your pets when you move. If you are not allowed to keep pets in your new home, telephone the RSPCA or a local animal charity for advice
You can be charged for the costs, and administration, of any work carried out by the Council where we consider that work was your responsibility when leaving your property
For example,
- Repairs required where damage is not due to general wear and tear
- Your house and garden have not been cleared of rubbish before you leave the property
- Any fixtures and fitting that you have added which need to be removed and
- Removal of sheds, greenhouses, garden furniture and pots etc.
You may not be allowed to move to another council property in the future if you owe us money
If you have items to depose off you can find details of Household waste recycling sites | East Sussex County Council
If you cannot get your items to a waste recycling site you can pay for them to be removed. Find out about your options – from “Find out about your options” link to Bulky Household Waste Collections
If you have furniture or other households’ items that are in good condition you may want to consider donating them to a local charity such as Furniture Now! who will arrange to collect larger items from you for free.
We recognise that housing needs change and that can mean that properties can become too big. For example – children grow up and leave home which can result in a smaller family occupying a three-bedroom home.
As we have such a demand for family size properties we do offer Incentives for tenants to move to smaller properties. For further information and a leaflet explaining how this cash incentive scheme works contact the Housing Department.
Have you ever considered Housing designed especially for people over 55 / 60 years of age?
Age Restricted Properties
In addition to retirement living the Council has a number of age restricted properties designated for people aged either 55+ or 60+ years. These are spread across four sites and consist of:
- 20 one and two bedroom flats at Helen Court, Hailsham built in 2016 – for people aged 60+ years.
- 12 one bedroom bungalows at New Barn Close in Hailsham – for people aged 60+ years.
- 23 units at St Peters Mead in Rotherfield consisting of flats, bungalows and houses – for people aged 55+ years.
- 14 one and two bedrooms flats at Molesey Court, Uckfield – for people aged 55+ years.
All of these properties benefit from a Lifeline service.
Housing Associations also offer properties specifically for older people. In addition to retirement living and age-restricted properties there is extra care provided by East Sussex County Council. Extra Care is only available to those whom have been assessed by Adult Social Care as having an eligible care and support need. Find out more about applying for an assessment.
The Council provides a housing advice service. The Housing Options team are able advise on a wide range of housing issues including the private rented sector.
There are a range of Government schemes to help people get on the property ladder. To find information on what is currently available visit: Own Your Home. In addition housing associations build some new homes for shared ownership if you cannot afford to by outright, this is where you buy a share sometimes as little as 25% and pay rent on the remaining share of the property. Find out what is currently being developed in the district.
If you are moving you need to be aware that Housing Associations, The Council & Private Landlords all offer a range of different tenancy types.