Wealden District Council
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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Results of Tenant Satisfaction Measures 23-24 The perception measures results below are for tenants only and not leaseholders or shared owners because we do not meet the threshold of having 1,000+ of these homes. A2 Dominion tenants are also excluded (because we do not own these homes). This is in line with the Regulators requirements which requires landlords to report back where they have 1,000 or more properties of either rented or low cost homeownership. We have added in detail of the only comparison data currently available, which is the Housemark data collected halfway through the financial year 2023/24. Once the Regulator publishes national data, we will update this comparison data. The satisfaction result includes those that have answered very or fairly satisfied and the negative response rate those that answered very or fairly dissatisfied. Neutral response rate is those that answered neither satisfied or dissatisfied or where they answered don’t know.
Measure TSM Satisfaction Result 2023 Neutral response rate Negative response rate How do we compare? Housemark mid-year 2023-24 median results
TP01 Overall Satisfaction 84.6% 6.4% 9% 79.3%
TP02 Satisfaction with repairs Of those that had reported a repair in the past 12 months 84.1% 6.0% 9.8% 80%
TP03 Satisfaction with the time taken to complete most recent repair Of those that had reported a repair in the past 12 months 82.6% 4.8% 12.5% 75.8%
TP04 Satisfaction that the home is well maintained 79.8% 9.6% 10.6% 72%
TP05 Satisfaction that the home is safe 82.2% 8.2% 9.8% 82.9%
TP06 Satisfaction that the landlord listens to the tenant views and acts upon them 67.7% 16.9% 15.3% 64.2%
TP07 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them 78.6% 14.4% 6.9% 75%
TP08 Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect 88.8% 2.2% 9% 82.5%
TP09 Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints Of those that had made a complaint in the past 12 months 38.4% 13.4% 48.2% 55.9%
TP10 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained Response from   respondents who live somewhere with communal areas that the council maintains 72.1% 7.2% 20.6% 68%
TP11 Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods 58.5% 28.7% 12.8% 62.6%
TP12 Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour 52% 26% 21.9% 60.4%
Please not due to rounding up or now each row might not add up to exactly 100% It is worth noting that although only 502 respondents had reported a repair the past 12 months as indicated in TP02 542 answered this question.

Property and Other Data

As part of our return to the Regulator for social Housing we have to report back on a number of other measures, the data from which comes for our IT systems. Property Measures:
RP01-Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard Results for 23-24
Tenants Satisfaction Measure Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard Low Cost Rented Accommodation only. 6.1% Or 185 of our 3017 rented homes. Most of those which are non-decent are where works are planned but not yet carried out or where the existing tenant has refused to have the necessary works done for example new kitchen or bathroom.
RP02- Repairs completed with target timescale  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of: 1)non-emergency and 2)emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale Low Cost Rented Accommodation only. 1)    85% Or 5791 of our 6812 non-emergency repairs competed on time 2)    97.3% Or 515 of our 529 emergency repairs completed on time
BS01- Gas safety checks  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out. Low Cost Rented Accommodation and Low Cost Home Ownership combined (excluding 100% shared owners). 100% With 2674 of our 3017 properties having gas.
BS02- Fire safety checks  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out. Low Cost Rented Accommodation and Low Cost Home Ownership combined (excluding 100% shared owners). 100% 1034 or our homes are accessed via communal areas and as such require a fire risk assessment.
BS03- Asbestos safety checks  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out. Low Cost Rented Accommodation and Low Cost Home Ownership combined (excluding 100% shared owners). 100% Communal areas serving 910 of our homes meet this requirement.
BS04- Water safety checks  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out. Low Cost Rented Accommodation and Low Cost Home Ownership combined (excluding 100% shared owners). 100% This requirement only applies to our 473 retirement living properties.
BS05- Lift safety checks  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out. Low Cost Rented Accommodation and Low Cost Home Ownership combined (excluding 100% shared owners). 100% We have 459 properties served by a lift all of which are in retirement living.
Non-property Measures:
NM01- Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord Data for 23-24
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Number of: 1)    anti-social behaviour cases, of which 2)    anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes. Low Cost Rented Accommodation and Low Cost Home Ownership. 18.56 (56 cases across 3017 properties) 0.33 (1 case out the 56 involved hate incidents)
CH01- Complaints Relative to the size of the landlord  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Number of: 1. stage one complaints and 2. stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes Low Cost Rented Accommodation only. 8.6% – 26 landlord related complaints from 3017 properties 1.99% 6 of these proceeded to stage 2
CH02- Complaints responded to within complain Handling code timescales  
Tenant Satisfaction Measure Proportion of: 1)    stage one complaints responded to and 2)    stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. Low Cost Rented Accommodation only. 92.3% – 24 out of the 26 were responded to within the 20 days (includes any that had up to a day 10-day extension) 100% – all 6 were responded to within the 40 days (includes any that had up to a day 20-day extension)