Wealden District Council
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Find Us

Our website allows you to access a wide range of services online. You can also contact us by email info@wealden.gov.uk or by telephone; 01323 443322.

Our Address

Wealden District Council
Council Offices,
Vicarage Lane,
BN27 2AX


Opening hours


Our offices are closed at weekends and Bank Holidays.


Our bank details are:

Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-80-12

Account number: 10341360

Account Name: Wealden District Council

You will need your account reference number which is shown on the top right of your bill.

Out of hours

Who to contact in an emergency

The Emergency Planning Service ensures that the Council is prepared to respond to any major emergency which occurs within the District, to support neighbouring authorities and emergency services and to respond to national disasters should they occur.

In the event of a major emergency the points of contact are:

  • Emergency Services: 999 (24 hour)
  • To report an incidents and emergency to the Council during office hours (9am to 5pm) please contact our offices on 01323 443322
  • In a major emergency out of office hours our duty emergency response officer can be contacted on 01323 443599
  • In a homelessness emergency out of office hours call 0330 123 3517 or email lifeline@corservcare.co.uk
  • Council Housing Tenants requiring emergency repairs outside of office hours please call 01323 443375
  • For an environmental health emergency out of office hours call 0330 123 3517 or email lifeline@corservcare.co.uk

If you need to report a lost or found dog, please contact Animal Wardens on 01424 490034.