There are no smoke free zones within our District and no byelaws concerning chimneys, wood burners or garden bonfires.
We do recommend however that people dispose of their garden waste in an environmentally responsible and considerate manner such as composting or green waste collections. Please see our bonfire leaflet for more information. See also DEFRA’s guidance on open fires and wood burning stoves.
If bonfires or smoke are persistent and ongoing this can potentially be deemed a statutory nuisance and something we can investigate. Please use the reporting form to see what we can help with and for advice on who else can help.
Before reporting a smoke nuisance to us we recommend speaking to the person causing it as they may not be aware of the issue.
If this is not successful, or where individuals are not approachable, think about writing to them and if this does not work, then why not try contacting the free mediation service we partner with, who can assist you in communicating with your neighbour. Please read their privacy notice.
We recommend phoning them on 01323 442781 to discuss their services before you report the problem to us.
If you are experiencing problems from your neighbour and either of you are privately renting or social housing tenants, the issues should be reported to your landlord first.
You can also take your own action through the magistrate’s court.
Please note, anonymous complaints cannot be processed.