Wealden District Council

Public Register enquiries

At present, there are no formally determined Contaminated Land sites in the Wealden District and so there are no entries on the public register.

DEFRA has now withdrawn grant funding for Part2A site investigation work, though the statutory duty for local authorities to inspect land for land contamination remains. Furthermore DEFRA suggests that local authorities seek to minimise unnecessary burdens on the taxpayer.

Given the above situation the Council is not currently pursuing strategic site inspections. That is to say we will not undertake further desk studies, intrusive sampling (soil, water or gas), risk assessments or remediation exercises unless they are funded by a third party.

We are therefore not publishing any timescales for detailed site inspection at this time and is unlikely to do so in future.

It is therefore very unlikely that there will be any public register entries in the future with land contamination solely being dealt with via the redevelopment process or via private landowner’s insurance policies.