Wealden District Council
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Home Energy Grants, Loans and Discounts

There are many different types of financial assistance available to homeowners. They can help out with energy efficiency improvements, reduce your bills or pay you for using renewable energy. To make an enquiry email us at: homeenergyefficiency@wealden.gov.uk 

Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Flexible Eligibility

Our joint Statement of Intent for ECO4 Flex sets out flexible eligibility criteria used by all local authorities in East Sussex for the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme. To view the latest Statement of Intent published on the 3rd  October 2023 visit Hastings Borough Council.

The ECO4 energy efficiency scheme runs from April 2022 until March 2026. Eligible households can receive funding from obligated suppliers towards a range of measures including the replacement of broken heating systems, the upgrade of inefficient systems and the installation of insulation.

To make an application, households will need to apply through an approved contractor that is able to access ECO funding from an energy supplier. A list of energy suppliers that have ECO funding can be found by visiting Ofgem. The approved contractor will need to obtain an application form by emailing fuelpoverty@hastings.gov.uk. Once the application form is completed, the contractor will need to submit the form along with supporting documents such as proof of income. If the household is assessed as eligible, Hastings Borough Council (on behalf of Wealden District Council) will provide the contractor with a written declaration confirming the household qualifies for support.


Warm Home Check Service

East Sussex County Council provides a free Warm Home Check Service for low income households who own or privately rent their property.  If you are on a low income and are either: an older person, a family with children, a disabled person or someone with a long term health condition (or if anyone in your household is), then you may qualify for this service.

The Warm Home Check includes:

  • A full assessment of your home and how best to keep it warm
  • Small preventative works, such as improving insulation or repairing boilers
  • Emergency temporary heating
  • Advice on getting help with the cost of heating your home

It is quick and easy to self-refer online for a Warm Home check . Alternatively, text WARM to 80011 or Call 0800 464 7307.

The Warm Home Check service is commissioned by East Sussex Public Health and delivered by RetrofitWorks and Citizen’s Advice East Sussex.


Winter Fuel Payments

If you were born on or before 5 April 1954 you should get a Winter Fuel Payment of £100 – £300 to help pay your heating bills. How much you get will depend on your circumstances, and may be higher if you receive certain benefits.

Payments should happen automatically in either November or December, are tax free and do not affect your other benefits.

Cold Weather Payments

Cold Weather Payments of £25 are made for each 7 day period of cold weather recorded as, or forecast to be, lower than zero degrees Celsius between 1 November and 31 March.

You can receive cold weather payments if you’re getting certain benefits including Pension Credit, Income Support, Jobseekers or Employment Support Allowance, Universal Credit or Support for Mortgage Interest.

Warm Homes Discount (WHD)

The Warm Home Discount is a one-off payment of £140 towards your electricity bill between September and March. It is available to households who receive Guarantee Credit Pension Credits, or those on low incomes who meet their energy suppliers criteria. People on pre-payment meters are also eligible.

Contact your electricity supplier to find out if you’re eligible and how to apply. This discount does not affect any Cold Weather or Winter Fuel payments you receive (see below).


Parity Trust Energy Efficiency Loans

The Parity Trust are a socially responsible ethical lender regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. They provide financial assistance to households to help install a range of energy saving measures including renewables, heating systems and insulation measures. Loans range from £1,000 to £25,000 at a typical fixed interest rate of 5.63% APR. To be eligible you must:

  • Be over 18
  • Be an owner or leaseholder with at least 5 years to the lease expires
  • Have a duty or power to carry out the work
  • Have a household income of less than £60,000

Renewable Energy

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

The Smart Export Guarantee is administered by Ofgem and pays households for electricity exported to the grid from a range of technologies including solar PV, wind, hydro, micro combined heat and power and anaerobic digestion.

To be part of the scheme you will need to contact the participating energy suppliers. You don’t have to use your current energy supplier to receive SEG payments so it is worth shopping around. Some tariffs may also allow for payments to be made if you export from a battery.

Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) provides grants to help households replace existing fossil fuel heating systems with more efficient, low carbon heating systems. Households can get £7500 off the cost of air or ground source heat pumps or £5000 off the cost of a biomass boiler. The scheme runs until 2025.

How the scheme works

Applying for the scheme is easy and your installer will apply for the grant. The grant will be deducted off the price you pay. Before going ahead you should get a number of quotes to make sure you are getting a competitive price.

Step 1: Find a MCS certified installer

Step 2: The installer advises if an installation is eligible for grant funding.

Step 3: You agree a quote for installation.

Step 4: The installer applies for the grant.

Step 5: You confirm the installer is acting on your behalf when your contacted by Ofgem. Ofgem may contact you to carry out checks on the installation this may involve a phone call or visit.