The Council has the following committees:
- Full Council
- Cabinet
- Audit, Finance and Governance Committee
- Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Planning Committee North
- Planning Committee South
- Licensing Committee
- Standards Committee
Dates and times of these meetings can be found in the calendar. All meetings are normally held during the day and take place in the Council Offices in Hailsham.
Agendas and Minutes for the meetings are available online going back to 2001.
The public are welcome to attend these committees. Only meetings, or parts of meetings where confidential or other restricted information is being discussed are not open to the public.
The Council’s Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these decisions are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose, The Constitution is reviewed by the Council each year.
Speaking at Council Meetings
The only meetings that the public are able to speak at are the Full Council and Planning Committees.
Speaking at Planning Committees
Our Planning Committee North web pages and the Planning Committee South web pages have information about speaking at Planning Committees.
For more detailed information on the role and functions of this Committee – see the Constitution or contact the Democratic Services Team on 01892 602720 or e mail: Democratic Services
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Public Question Time at Full Council
If you live or work in the Wealden District you may ask a question of the Council in Public Question Time at Full Council. Questions may be about any of the Council’s services but not in respect of individual cases.
The next Full Council meeting will be webcast and the link to the live event can be found on the meeting page on the website.
A question may only be asked if notice has been given by delivering it by email to the Chief Executive ten clear working days before the day of the meeting. Each question must give the name and address of the questioner.
For more detailed information on Public Question Time, please contact the Democratic Services Manager on 01892 602720 or
Notice of Intention to Take Executive Decision(s) in Private
This page shows current intentions to take any Executive (Cabinet) decisions in private.