Wealden District Council
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Our Spending plans

The following table shows our income and how we plan to spend it.

Our Spending Plans for 2025/26
£ (000)
£ (000)
Elected Members419451
Chief Executive’s Directorate2,1583,204
Customer and Community Services12,56612,817
Planning, Policy and Environmental Services5,1516,024
Legal, Governance and Strategic Projects5,5105,410
Centrally Managed Budgets95(57)
Total Cost of Services25,89927,849
Drainage Levies9597
Interest (Net)(4,003)(5,325)
Charges to the Housing Revenue Account(1,310)(1,446)
Capital Financing Charges318325
Capital Expenditure charged to Revenue23,04723,115
Net cost of Services44,04644,615
Business Rates(8,059)(8,102)
Community Infrastructure Levy Use(9,703)(7,697)
Other Government Grants(3,331)(4,234)
Contributions to /(from) Earmarked Reserves(8,500)(10,191)
Contributions to /(from) General Fund Balances250945
District Council Basic Council Tax Requirement14,70315,336
Town and Parish Council Precepts8,9429,767
Total Council Tax Requirement23,64525,103
How our spending has changed from 2024/25
Item£ (000)
District Council basic Council Tax Requirement in 2024/2514,703
Inflationary increases1,480
Increase in retained Business Rates(43)
Increase in Government Grants(903)
Service pressures (net)470
Increased use of Community Infrastructure Levy (to fund Capital programme)2,006
Increase in interest from investments(1,449)
Increased revenue contribution to capital68
Increased use of reserves and balances(996)
District basic Council Tax requirement in 2025/26 15,336
Changes to Band D Council Tax
Band D Council Tax2024/25
 % Change
Wealden District Council214.72221.143%

Wealden’s share of the council tax is equivalent to £4.25 per week.