Wealden District Council
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Your Council Tax 2025 to 2026

This page sets out how your council tax is spent on a wide range of services in your community and explains about discounts and help with payments. Council tax is collected on houses, flats and other domestic properties. The money is collected by Wealden District Council on behalf of East Sussex County Council, Wealden District Council, Sussex Police Authority, East Sussex Fire Authority and your parish or town council.

The amount you pay to each authority is shown as a percentage below.

  • East Sussex County Council 72%
  • Wealden District Council 9%
  • Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner 10%
  • East Sussex Fire Authority 4%
  • Parishes 5%

Spending plans 

Our spending plans for 2025 to 2026 show our income and how we plan to spend it. Ways in which our spending has changed from 2024/25 can also be viewed.

Larger Parish Expenditure 

Information of expenditure for larger parishes within Wealden which require more than £140,000 to be raised in 2025/26.

Council Tax Reduction Scheme 

Council Tax Benefit was abolished in April 2013 and was replace by local Council Tax Reduction Schemes.

East Sussex County Council

East Sussex County Council provide services such as education, social care, and libraries. They are also responsible for our roads and highways, including pot hole repair and most street lighting.  View the East Sussex County Council council tax summary for further details

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner

The policing element of your council tax is set by the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner. To find out more about the way this part of your council tax is spent and how police resources are allocated please visit the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner website .

East Sussex Fire and Rescue

East Sussex fire and Rescue (ESFRS) deal with domestic and business fire emergencies, fire safety and smoke detectors. View details on how ESFRS spend their part of your council tax .