If you would like an up to date balance you can either ask for an updated copy of your council tax bill. Or contact our customer contact centre who will be able to give you the details that you need. Please remember that we will not be able to talk to you about your bill unless you can provide your account reference number.
There is a credit on my previous bill. Have you taken this into account on my new bill?
When you move to another property in Wealden you will keep the same account. But we will make adjustments to it depending on what you paid us at your old address and what the charge is at your new address. So if you have paid too much at your old address the credit will be taken into account when we calculate your new charge and your new instalments.
There is a credit on my account, how do I get a refund?
If your council tax account is in credit you can claim a refund. If you want to claim a refund over the phone you must give us your council tax reference number found on the top right of your bill. If you have moved out of the area you will also need to give us a forwarding address.
If you have been paying us by direct debit, or have a bank account, we can refund your money back into your bank account by BACS payment.
I still owe council tax from a previous year/at my old address. Is it included in my new bill?
When you move you should receive two notices from us. One will be a closing bill for your old address and one will be a bill for your new address. Your closing bill will show if there is any balance left to pay at your old address. But this will not be included in the balance or instalments on the bill for your new address.
Why won’t you discuss my account over the phone?
The information that you give us and the information that we hold about you, is not free public information. Our records about you are protected by the Data Protection Act 1998. This means that when we speak to someone on the phone, or in person, we have to be sure that we are speaking to the person who pays the council tax, or someone who has been given permission to speak for them.
We don’t mean to be obstructive or unhelpful. Your account reference is a unique number and by giving it to us, we can sure be that we are speaking to the right person. It also means we won’t be giving confidential information about you to someone that shouldn’t have it.