Wealden Dementia Action Alliance was set up in May 2016 to help make our district more dementia friendly and raise the awareness amongst our residents and businesses.
With a lot of local support from various community groups, volunteers, businesses and many more we now have four local dementia forums across the district all making a difference in their community and raising the awareness of dementia. If you would like to be part of the alliance meetings or a local forum please contact us by emailing wellbeing@wealden.gov.uk
Watch our video for further information on how the Alliance is support to the Wealden community.
Please also like and follow our Friends of Wealden Dementia Action Alliance Facebook page to get updates on the activities taking place across the district. We also have a weekly email which provides information on all of our forum meeting dates, current information and links to useful information. If you would like to sign up to this please email wellbeing@wealden.gov.uk .
Wealden Dementia Action Alliance Charter

Cuckoo Line Stores
Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance
DISC – Dementia Support
Grants Hill Court
Freedom Leisure (Hailsham, Crowborough and Uckfield)
Hempstead Fields Residents Association
Home Instead Senior Care Polegate and Eastbourne
Lox Hair, Rotherfield
Mark Cross Primary School
Manor Park and Hempstead Fields Residents Association
Oasis Community Church, Crowborough
Rotherfield pre-school
Rotherfield Women’s Institute
Rotherfield Village Hall Committee
St Deny’s Church, Rotherfield
St Deny’s Pharmacy, Rotherfield
Thursday Club, Rotherfield
Local Dementia Forums and Activities
Please contact the team by emailing wellbeing@wealden.gov.uk for more information if you would like to be involved to any of the forums below:
- Crowborough
- South Wealden – Polegate, Hailsham, Willingdon and surrounding areas
- Uckfield
Community Cafe: The last Thursday of the month. Come along to our cafe. Free refreshments followed by an activity. Everyone welcome. At Oasis Community Church, Beacon Road, Crowborough. 2-4pm.
Pine Grove Pictures – Golden Oldies: Come along for an afternoon of classic movies. Entrance and refreshments are free, but donations welcome to Pine Grove Pictures. Films begin at 1.45pm, doors open at 1.15pm.
Please contact Pine Grove Pictures for more information: 01892 653823 or email enquiries@pinegrovepictures.org.uk
Sporting Memories: A chance to reminisce about your favourite sport over a nice cup of tea. Read through some old papers and chat about those famous moments in all different types of sports. 11am – 12.30pm at The Oasis Community Church, Beacon Road, Crowborough – 6th November, 4th December 2023.
Community Cafe in Withyham: The second Friday of the month, 10.30am till 12noon. Come along to the free cafe at Kings Hall, Withyham.
Hailsham Community Cafe: At St Wilfrid’s Church Hall in Hailsham. Everyone is welcome. Free refreshments followed by an activity each month. The second Thursday of every month, 2pm – 4pm. For more information please call Home Instead on 01323 819191
Golden Oldie film afternoons at Hailsham Pavilion: Film afternoons for everyone to enjoy at Hailsham Pavilion.
Doors open at 1.30pm – Screening start at 2pm
Tickets £5.00 Including a complimentary tea/coffee (Carers Free of charge)
Hailsham Pavilion Theatre, George Street, Hailsham, BN27 1AE
Box Office Open Hours: Mon to Sat 10am – 4pm. Tel: 01323 841414 Email: info@hailshampavilion.co.uk
The Ninfield Health and Wellbeing group organise film screenings, indoor games and health walks in the village.
Ninfield Film Screenings: The films take place at Ninfield Memorial Hall, Ninfield, TN33 9EE. Doors open at 1.30pm, film to start at 2pm. The film is FREE but please book a seat. There will be a raffle and refreshments available. For more information or to book your place at the next future film screening in Ninfield, please contact Jackie Langley on 01424 892422 or email jackie.langley1@btinternet.co
Polegate Memory Café: Meet on the first Thursday of the month at Polegate Community Centre, Windsor Way, BN26 6QF. Everyone is welcome. The cafe is free with refreshments and an activity each month. For more information please contact Home Instead by calling 01323 819191
Sporting Memories: Groups are an opportunity for older sports fans to get together to talk sport. The group encourages participation and inclusion of all, including those living with memory problems. The aim is to promote physical and mental well being through reminiscing using sporting experiences of watching or playing – literally any sport! Thereby using sport as a means to try and combat loneliness and isolation, by giving the chance to boost confidence and make new friends. The groups meets every Wednesday 10.00am till 12.00noon at Polegate Community Centre, Windsor Way, BN26 6QF. For more information email emma.brooke@sussexcricket.co.uk
Willingdon Community Cafe: Fourth Thursday of the month at Trinity Church, Coppice Avenue, Willingdon, BN20 9PN. The cafe is free with refreshments and an activity each month. For more information please contact Home Instead by calling 01323 819191
Saturday Social: Supportive, safe and caring gathering for people living with dementia and other care needs, to come with their carers and family members, and socialise with others in a similar situation.
Join in the fun at Victoria Pavilion, Victoria Pleasure Ground, Uckfield, TN22 5DJ between 2pm – 4pm
For more information please call 01825 760176 or email victoriapavilion@gmail.com
There are lots of activities and support given from Victoria Pavilion, please take a look at their website to find out more or look at our Facebook page for regular posts.
Information for carers and people living with dementia
Care for the Carers
Care for the Carers is an independent charity and the Carers Centre for East Sussex. We have been supporting and representing unpaid carers in East Sussex since 1989.
Our team of staff and volunteers can provide free practical and emotional advice – face to face, by telephone, or online. We can put you in touch with other carers, and help you navigate the range of services available locally. We also run support groups, training and events across the county – whether you are interested in speaking up on important issues, or having some time out to relax or meet new people.
Care for the Carers represents carers and raises awareness of caring, working with local communities, organisations and service providers to build a carer friendly East Sussex.
For more information visit the Care for the Carers website.
DISC – Dementia Support
DISC Dementia Support provide the following services for carers:
- Weekly facilitated support groups over Zoom
- Regular carer information courses
- 7 day a week support service via telephone, email, Zoom, text etc
- Regular information services over Zoom
For more information, email DISC Dementia Support or call Louise on 07591 251005 or Emma on 07591 250988.
Friends against Scams
A National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams. Take a look at their website for more information and how you can get involved.
If you or you know someone who has been scammed please contact Citizens Advice Consumer service – 03454 040506
The Herbert Protocol
The initiative is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia. He died whilst ‘missing’, trying to find his childhood home.
There is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person can fill in which is linked with Sussex Police.
It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing, including:
- medication required
- mobile numbers
- places previously located
- a recent photograph
Keeping a completed form saves the worry of trying to recall the information during the stressful time of someone going missing. It also saves time for the police, allowing the search to start sooner.
When to fill in a form
Use your professional opinion as a carer or your knowledge as a family member to decide whether a person is at risk of going missing. Further information and the form can be found on the Sussex Police website.
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyards
Wealden District Council has teamed up with Wealden Dementia Action Alliance to support a project to help people in Wealden feel more confident going into the community again.
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower project helps those who have disabilities that are not immediately obvious to others. This could include people with learning difficulties, those living with dementia or poor mental health, as well as mobility, speech, visual or hearing impairments.
Wearing the sunflower lanyard discreetly indicates to others, including shop workers, members of the community, colleagues and health professionals that additional support, help or a little more time may be needed.
Hidden disabilities could also include asthma and other lung conditions as well as chronic illnesses such as renal failure, diabetes and sleep disorders, or indeed any illness that significantly impacts day to day life.
They affect each person in a different way, and can be painful, exhausting, and isolating. Without visible evidence of the hidden disability, it is frequently difficult for others to acknowledge the challenges faced and as a consequence, sympathy and understanding can often be in short supply.
There is no evidence required or qualifying list of hidden disabilities. If you have a hidden disability and feel that you would benefit from wearing a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower product, please do. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower does not entitle you to anything other than identifying that you have a hidden disability and that you may need some assistance, help, or a little more time.
Lanyards are provided free of charge at the following locations. To get a lanyard for yourself, a family member or friend with a hidden disability, just pop in and ask.
- Forest Row Community Centre
- Crowborough Town Council offices
- Uckfield Civic Centre
- Polegate Town Council (please call 01323 488114 to arrange collection)
Alternatively, please call Wealden District Council Customer Services on 01323 443322 for further details or email wellbeing@wealden.gov.uk
Use Alzheimer’s Society dementia directory to find local support services and activities for people with dementia and their carers
Find out more about adapting homes to make them dementia friendly. Make small changes to homes that will support people living with dementia to live at home safely and for longer.
Information for businesses
If you are part of a business and would like to know more about how to make your business more dementia friendly, contact the Wellbeing team for a top tips leaflet to help or we can arrange for our Accessibility officer to come and see your business to give advice. Here is some information:
● Entrance: Clear signage using images where appropriate, well lit, no dark colour mats or carpets
● Signage: Clear signage to toilets, reception desks, payment area with pictures next to wording, if possible
● Lighting: Try to avoid extreme use of artificial lighting, maintain a good level of light throughout.
● Displays: Reduce the frequency of changing store layout so customers know where to find things
● Staff awareness: Encourage staff to attend a dementia friend session to have a better understanding
● Dementia Champion: Appoint a lead within your business to make others aware
The Alzheimer’s society website also has a lot of information and resources for you to use to help your business becoming more dementia friendly.
Get involved in dementia research
Time for Dementia
Time for Dementia is a ground breaking dementia educational programme led by the Brighton and Sussex Medical School as part of a multi stakeholder collaboration between teaching colleagues, undergraduate healthcare students, families living with dementia, researchers, administrators, Alzheimer’s Society and other universities.
Families in the East Sussex area are needed to help with this programme further details including contact details can be found on the Brighton and Sussex Medical School website or view the Time for Dementia – Family recruitment video. If you are interested please email timefordementia@alzheimers.org.uk
Look at important questions about why care is unequal and what this means for people with dementia in terms of their health, level of comfort and happiness – or ‘quality of life’ – and the cost of their care. They aim to explore and understand the answers to these questions:
- What are the differences in dementia care and who gets worse or better care?
- What aspects of dementia care lead to good and bad quality of life outcomes?
- How are outcomes for people with dementia affected by the cost of their care, when they are diagnosed, the amount of health or social care they get, and their life circumstances?
These answers will help improve care for people with dementia and their carers. By improving care we hope to improve quality of life outcomes as well.
For more information, or would like to be involved please visit their website