Wealden District Council

Wealden Community Buildings for Hire

The following Community Buildings in Wealden are available to hire.

To see the location of our community buildings on a map, please see our Community21 website .


Alfriston Memorial Hall

Address: High Street, Alfriston, BN26 5TY
Telephone:  01323 870839
Email: awmh@alfriston-village.co.uk
Website: Alfriston Memorial Hall 

The Old Chapel Centre

Address: The Tye, Alfriston, BN26 5TL
Telephone:  01323 870536
Email: info@oldchapelcentre.com
Website: The Old Chapel Centre 


Arlington Village Hall

Address: The Street, Arlington, BN26 6SE
Telephone:  01323 489200
Email: arlingtonhallhire@btinternet.com
Website: Arlington Village Hall 

Upper Dicker Village Hall

Address: Coldharbour Road, Upper Dicker, Arlington, BN27 3PZ
Telephone: 07898 343623
Email address: dickerhallbookings@gmail.com


Berwick Village Hall and Social Club

Address: Station Road, Berwick, BN26 6SZ
Telephone:  01323 870198


Chiddingly Village Hall

Address: Church Lane, Chiddingly, BN8 6HE
Telephone:  01825 872393
Email address: parsonageoast@btinternet.com


There are various halls for hire throughout Crowborough. Further details can be found on the Crowborough Town Council 

Crowborough Rugby Football Club

Address: Steel Cross Green Lane, Crowborough, TN6 2XB
Telephone: 01892 654832
Website:  Crowborough Rugby Football Club 

The Crowborough Centre

Address: Pine Grove, Crowborough, TN6 1FE
Telephone: 01892 653823
Email: info@crowboroughcentre.info


Chelwood Gate Village Hall

Address: Beaconsfield Road, Chelwood Gate, Danehill, RH17 7JU
Telephone:  01825 740562

Danehill Village Hall

Address: London Road, Danehill, RH17 7HS
Telephone: 01825 791725
Email: sjenorton@yahoo.co.uk
Website: Danehill Village Hall 

East Dean

East Dean Pavilion

Address: East Dean Recreation Ground, East Dean, BN20 0DJ
Telephone: 01323 811870
Email: eastdeanclerk@btinternet.com
Website: East Dean and Friston Parish Council

East Dean Village Hall

Address: Lower Street, East Dean, BN20 0DJ
Telephone: 01323 423110
Email: edfvh@icloud.com
Website: East Dean and Friston Village Hall 

East Hoathly

East Hoathly Village Hall

Address: Church Marks Lane, East Hoathly, BN8 6EQ
Email: clerk@easthoathlywithhalland.org.uk
Website: East Hoathly with Halland Parish Council 


Eridge Village Hall

Address: Shaw Farm Road, Eridge Green, Eridge, TN3 9JU
Email: bookevh@gmail.com
Website: Eridge Village Hall 


Fairwarp Village Hall

Address: Nursery Lane, Fairwarp, Maresfield, TN22 3BD
Email: info@fairwarp.org.uk
Website: Fairwarp Village Hall 

Five Ash Down

Five Ash Down Village Hall

Address: Five Ash Down, Buxted, TN22 3AH
Telephone: 01825 733367
Website: Five Ash Down Village Hall 


Fletching Village Hall

Address: High Street, Fletching, TN22 3TD
Telephone: 01825 722075
Website: Fletching Village Hall 

Forest Row

Forest Row Community Centre

Address: Hartfield Road, Forest Row, RH18 5DZ
Telephone: 01342 822661
Email: info@forestrow.gov.uk
Website: Forest Row Parish Council Community Centre 

Forest Row Memorial Pavilion

Address:  Shalesbrook Lane, Forest Row, RH18 5LS
Telephone: 01342 823252
Email: n/a
Website:  Forest Row Sport Pavilion 

Forest Row Village Hall

Address: Lewes Road, Forest Row, RH18 5ES
Telephone: 01342 824961
Website: Forest Row Village Club

Hammerwood and Holtye Village Hall

Address: Holtye Road, Hammerwood, Forest Row, RH19 3QE
Telephone: 01342 850660
Website: Hammerwood Holtye Hall 


Blackboys Village Hall

Address: 1 Gun Road, Blackboys, Framfield, TN22 5JY
Telephone:  01825 890691
Email: clerk@framfieldcouncil.org.uk

Framfield Memorial Hall

Address: The Street, Framfield, TN22 5NR
Telephone:   01825 890854


Bells Yew Green Village Hall

Address: B2169, Bells Yew Green, Frant, TN3 9BJ
Telephone: 01892 543025
Email:  crbacon79@gmail.com

Frant Memorial Hall

Address: Warren Ridge, Frant, TN3 9ED
Telephone: 07759 747905
Email: info@frantvillagehall.com
Website: Frant Memorial Hall 

Hadlow Down

Hadlow Down Village Hall

Address: Hut Lane, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, TN22 4HQ
Telephone: 07495 321065
Email: villagehallsecretaryhadlowdown@gmail.com

Website: Hadlow Down Village Hall 


Diplocks Hall

Address: The Diplocks, Hailsham, BN27 3JY
Telephone: 01323 846840
Email: enquiries@diplockshall.org.uk
Website: Diplocks Hall 

Fleur De Lys Council Chamber

Address: Town Council Offices, Inglenook, Market Street, Hailsham, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702
Email: enquiries@hailsham-tc.gov.uk
Website: Hailsham Town Council 

Hailsham East Community Centre

Address: Vega Close, Hailsham, BN27 2JZ
Telephone: 01323 464340
Email: childrenscentres.hailshamcluster@eastsussexgov.uk
Website: Hailsham East Children’s Centre 

Summerheath Hall

Address: Summerheath Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DR
Telephone: 01323 844509

Union Corner Hall

Address: 128 Hawks Road, Hailsham, BN27 1ND
Telephone: 07980 424579
Email: unioncornerhall@btinternet.com
Website: Union Corner Hall 


Hartfield Village Hall

Address: High Street, Hartfield, TN7 4AA
Telephone: 01342 619009
Email Address: hartfieldvillagehall@gmail.com
Website: Hartfield Village Hall 


Broad Oak Village Hall

Address: Burwash Road, Broad Oak, Heathfield, TN21 8SS
Telephone: 07947 583738
Email: bookingsbroadoakvh@gmail.com

Website: Broad Oak Village Hall 

Cross in Hand Village Hall

Address: Lewes Road, Cross in Hand, Heathfield, TN21 0TA
Telephone: 01435 865034
Website: Cross in Hand Village Hall 

Heathfield Community Centre

Address: Sheepsetting Lane, Heathfield, TN21 0XG
Telephone: 01435 865700
Email: nleemarshall@hwpc.org.uk
Website: Heathfield Community Centre 

Lucas Memorial Hall

Address: High Street, Waldron, Heathfield, TN21 0RB
Telephone: 01435 862065
Email: lucashallwaldron@gmail.com
Website: Lucas Memorial Hall Waldron 

Punnetts Town Village Hall

Address: B2096, Punnetts Town, Heathfield, TN21 9DS
Telephone: 01435 830645
Website: Punnetts Town Village Hall

The Goward Hall

Address: B2096, Cade Street, Heathfield, TN21 9BP
Telephone: 01323 845372


Hellingly Community Hub

Address: The Drive, Hellingly, BN27 4EP
Telephone:  01323 449415
Website: Hellingly Parish Council


Herstmonceux Village Hall

Address: Hailsham Road, Herstmonceux, BN27 4JX
Telephone: 01323 831854
How to make  a booking for the village hall
Website: Herstmonceux Village Hall

High Hurstwood

High Hurstwood Village Hall

Address: Chillies Lane, High Hurstwood, Uckfield, TN22 4AD
Telephone: 01825 733916
Email address: heath@barton67.plus.com
Website: High Hurstwood Village Hall 


Hooe Village Hall

Address: Denbigh Road, Hooe, TN33 9EP
Email Address: barbarastrevett@gmail.com


Horam Village Hall

Address: Eastbourne Road, Horam, TN21 9HN
Telephone: 01435 813295
Website: escis.org Horam Village Hall 

The Horam Centre

Address: 3 Bank Buildings, Horam, TN21 0EH
Telephone: 01435 812151 or 07900 576236
Email Address: clerk@horam.com
Website: Horam Parish Council


Isfield Village Hall

Address: Station Road, Isfield, TN22 5TX
Email Address: info@isfieldvillagehall.org.uk
Website: Isfield Village Hall 


Jevington Hall

Address: Jevington Road, Wannock, BN26 5QE
Telephone: 07534208402
Email Address: jensbinnie@gmail.com
Website: Jevington Village Hall 


Laughton Village Hall

Address: Church Lane, Laughton, BN8 6AH
Telephone: 01323 811252


Litlington Village Hall

Address: The Street, Litlington, BN26 5RQ
Telephone: 01323 870743
Email Address: maggiecarden73@gmail.com


Maresfield Village Hall

Address: Batts Bridge Road, Maresfield, TN22 2HJ
Email: maresfieldvillagehall@gmail.com
Website: Maresfield Village Hall 


Five Ashes Village Hall

Address: Main Road, Five Ashes, Mayfield, TN20 6JA
Telephone: 01825 831 945
Email: 5asheshallbooking@gmail.com
Website: Five Ashes Village Hall

Mayfield Memorial Hall

Address: Tunbridge Wells Road, Mayfield, TN20 6AL
Telephone: 01435 873438
Email: booking@mayfieldmemorialhall.org
Website: Mayfield Memorial Hall 


Ninfield Memorial Hall

Address: Bexhill Road, Ninfield, TN33 9EE
Telephone: 01424 893490
Website: Ninfield Memorial Hall


Nutley War Memorial Hall

Address: High Street, Nutley, Maresfield, TN22 3NE
Telephone: 01825 712 465
Email: enquire@nutley-war-memorial-hall.org.uk
Website: Nutley War Memorial Hall 


Pevensey Memorial Hall

Address: Church Lane, Pevensey, BN24 5LA
Telephone: 01323 761465
Website: Pevensey Memorial Hall 

Stone Cross Memorial Hall

Address: Lion Hill, Stone Cross, Pevensey, BN24 5ED
Telephone:  01323 769167

St Luke’s Parish Centre

Address: Rattle Road, Stone Cross, Pevensey, BN24 5EB
Telephone:  01323 761465
Email: saintlukestonecross@gmail.com

Pevensey Bay

St Wilfrid’s Church Hall

Address: Eastbourne Road, Pevensey Bay, BN24 6EJ
Telephone: 01323 743301
Email: pevenseywarden@btinternet.com

Ethel Wood Community Centre

Address: 129 Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, BN24 6NS
Telephone: 01323 460800


Polegate Community Centre

Address: Windsor Way, Polegate, BN26 6QF
Telephone: 01323 482434
Website: Polegate Community Centre 

St George’s Church Hall

Address: 110 Eastbourne Road, Polegate, BN26 5DF
Telephone:01323 509047
Website: St George’s Church 

St John’s Church Hall

Address: Polegate, BN26 5BX
Telephone: 01323 483259
Email: stjohns@polegate.org.uk
Website: St John’s Church

Polegate Town Council (small self-contained building at rear of Town Hall)

Address: 51 High Street, Polegate, BN26 6AL
Telephone: 01323 488114
Email: admin@polegate-tc.co.uk
Website: Polegate Town Council 

Council Chambers in Polegate Town Hall

Address: 49 High Street, Polegate, BN26 6AL
Telephone: 01323 488114


Ripe Village Hall

Address: Church Lane, Ripe, BN8 6AS
Telephone: 01323 811969  or  07711 208043
Email: keith.hopson@btinternet.com


Mark Cross Village Hall

Address: Tunbridge Wells Road, Mark Cross, Rotherfield, TN6 3NP
Email: enquiries@markcross.org.uk
Website: Mark Cross Village Hall 

Mark Cross  Community Centre

Address: St Marks Church, Mark Cross, TN6 3PJ
Telephone: 07884 492805
Email: markcrosscommunitycentre@gmail.com
Website:  Mark Cross Community Centre
Facebook: Mark Cross Community Centre Facebook page

Rotherfield Village Hall

Address: North Street, Rotherfield, TN6 3QP
Telephone: 01892 660138
Email: bookings@rotherfieldvillagehall.org.uk
Website: Rotherfield Village Hall 


Selmeston and Alciston Village Hall

Address: The Street, Selmeston, BN26 6UD
Email: bookings@southdownsvillagehall.org
Website: Alciston and Selmeston Village Hall 

Stone Cross

Stone Cross Memorial Hall

Address: Lion Hill, Stone Cross, Pevensey, BN24 5ED
Telephone:  01323 769167
Website: Stone Cross Memorial Hall 

St Luke’s Parish Centre

Address: Rattle Road, Stone Cross, Pevensey, BN24 5EB
Telephone:  01323 767020
Email: saintlukestonecross@gmail.com
Website: St Luke’s Parish Centre 


Foresters Hall

Address: Harcourt Road, Uckfield, TN22 5DU
Telephone: 01825 747790
Website: Foresters Hall 

Ridgewood Village Hall

Address: New Road, Ridgewood, Uckfield, TN22 5TG
Telephone: 01825 763825
Website: Ridgewood Village Hall 

Uckfield Civic Centre

Address: Bell Lane, Uckfield, TN22 1AE
Telephone: 01825 747790
Email: admin@uckfieldtc.gov.uk
Website: Uckfield Civic Centre 


St George’s Hall

Address: Gloucester Road, Sparrows Green, TN5 6TA
Telephone:  01892 784794

Wadhurst Commemoration Hall

Address: 1 Lower High Street, Wadhurst, TN5 7BB
Email: jbush@talktalk.net
Website: Wadhurst Commemoration Hall 


Dunn Village Hall

Address: Rushlake Green, Warbleton, TN21 9QG
Telephone: 01435 863727
Website: Dunn Village Hall 


Reid Hall

Address: A271, Boreham Street, Wartling, BN27 4SG
Telephone: 07943 924976
Email: enquiries@reidhallborehamstreet.co.uk
Website: Reid Hall Boreham Street 


Westham Village Hall

Address: Peelings Lane, Westham, BN24 5HG
Telephone: 07821 377110


St Mary’s Church Hall

Address: Church Street, Willingdon, BN22 0HS
Telephone: 01323 501763

Trinity Church Hall

Address: Coppice Avenue, Willingdon, BN20 9PN
Email: trinityhire@gmail.com
Website: Trinity Church Hall 

Willingdon Memorial Hall

Address: Church Street, Willingdon, BN20 9HP
Telephone: 01323 484711
Website: Willingdon Memorial Hall 

Wannock Village Hall

Address: Wannock Road, Willingdon, BN26 5NX
Telephone: 01323 483981
Website: Wannock Village Hall 

Willingdon Hub Community Library

Address: Coppice Avenue, Willingdon, BN20 9PN
Telephone: 01323 489473
Email: info@willingdonlibrary.org
Website: Willingdon Hub Community Library


Wilmington Village Hall

Address: The Street, Wilmington, BN26 5SL
Telephone: 01323 870509


Blackham Village Hall

Address: C251, Blackham, Withyham, TN3 9UD
Telephone: 01892 740574
Email: BlackhamVillageHall@mail.com
Website: Blackham Village Hall 

Groombridge Village Hall

Address: Station Road, Groombridge, TN3 9QX
Telephone: 07552 170679
Email: bookings@groombridgevillagehall.org.uk

Kings Hall

Address: Kings Hall Park Lodge, Lye Green, Withyham, TN6 1UU
Telephone: 01892 770035
Website: Kings Hall