Wealden District Council

Funding Advice and Information

For funding advice and other information, please contact the Partnerships and Funding Support Officer for advice and information; please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.

It is helpful for us to know about projects and groups working for the benefit of Wealden residents as we also work with partners, including 3VA (the local Council for Voluntary Services), Volunteer Centre East Sussex, East Sussex County Council, the Statutory Sector Funders’ Group, East Sussex Compact, and the Wealden Community Partnerships Group, to share vital information and ensure best practice.


East Sussex Community Information Service (ESCIS)

ESCIS is an online database of community organisations and events across East Sussex and including Brighton & Hove.

East Sussex 4 Community

A free-to-use funding website with information on grants, loans and other initiatives in the UK.

For further information please contact the Partnership and Funding Support officer on communitygrants@wealden.gov.uk