Wealden District Council
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Crime and Disorder and Community Safety

Wealden is one of the safest places to live, work and learn in the country. The Safer Wealden Partnership is working hard to keep it that way and indeed make it even safer. The Safer Wealden Partnership brings together a number of agencies from the public, private and voluntary sector, working together to make the community safer and  reduce the fear of crime. Our aim is simple: Improving people’s lives in Wealden’s Communities by working in partnership to reduce the levels of crime and anti-social behaviour and to manage the fear of crime. The Safer Wealden Partnership includes representatives from the following agencies: The Safer Wealden Partnership each year identifies its priorities and these are combined with other community safety partnership’s priorities across East Sussex to form the East Sussex Safer Communities Partnerships’ Business Plan . The Safer Wealden Partnership provides funding for DISC to operate within the district. DISC is an online platform which allows shop workers, on an invitation only basis, to report incidents of shoplifting and anti-social behaviour from within their stores, directly to police. In Wealden DISC operates under the scheme name of the Wealden Business Crime Partnership. To learn more about how the scheme operates, or just to learn more about DISC in general, please contact the scheme’s administrator: das@littoralis.com

Antisocial Behaviour

Find out more about Antisocial behaviour.

Domestic Violence

If you feel you have been a victim of domestic violence, there is help available.

Hate Crime

Information on what to do if you have been a victim of a hate incident or hate crime in East Sussex.

Joint Action Group

This operational group meets monthly to look at and clarify action on any current or emerging threats and risks to community safety from across the District.

Paws on Watch

If you are a responsible dog owner and live or walk your dog somewhere in the Wealden area, learn how you help to make your area safer.


Members of the Safer Wealden Partnership sit on the East Sussex Prevent Board which assess the county-wide risk of people being drawn into terrorism , and co-ordinates Prevent activity in line with the requirements of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.

Road Safety

Information on setting up a Speed Watch scheme in your neighbourhood and see what our Road Safety Action Group’s initiatives are in our area.