Wealden District Council
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Business Support

Wealden District Council aims to support businesses in a variety of ways, through quarterly business publications, business breakfasts and projects that regenerate the area.

Business Newsletter

Our monthly business newsletter has useful information for local businesses in every sector, from business finance opportunities, local success stories, upcoming business events, examples of good practice and general business news.

This is a free publication compiled by the Economic Development Team and distributed to the hundreds of local businesses already subscribed. Follow the link to sign up to our Wealden Business Newsletter today.

If there are any topics of interest you would like to hear about, please email: economicdevelopment@wealden.gov.uk.

Action in Rural Sussex 

Action in Rural Sussex provides advice to rural communities and local groups.  For all enquiries concerning village halls and community buildings, action planning, rural affordable housing, visit the website or call 01273 473422.

Pub is the Hub

A chance for licensees of rural pubs to broaden their range of services and work together to match  community needs with additional services which can be provided by the local pub.

National Business Support Helpline

The Business Support Helpline offers advice and guidance to new and existing businesses. It has information on national and local schemes, grants and loans to help businesses start and grow.