Wealden District Council
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Make a Benefit Claim

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction are for people who need help paying their rent and council tax. You can only make a claim for Housing Benefit if you are over pension age or are living in supported accommodation.

When you use the link at the bottom of this page it will take you to an online calculator and once you have entered your details it will show whether or not you could be entitled.  You can then use these details to make the claim. When you have submitted your claim there will be a checklist of evidence you need to send us. If you do not have a printer please have a pen and paper ready to note down the documents we need and the reference number and password set up.  

If you are self employed and do not have annual accounts you will need to complete a self employed income and expenses form in addition to your application.

You can send us the evidence attached to an email to benefits@wealden.gov.uk or you can send them to Benefits Service, Wealden District Council, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX . If you post the evidence we will need to see original documents but we will send these back to you as soon as possible.

If you are unsure about a question asked by the online form please view our online claim help page.

You can make a claim online based on the Signed authority from Chief Executive for Wealden District Council to use electronic facilities for benefit claims

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