Wealden District Council

Recreational and Other Council Land and Property

Common Land and Open Spaces

Wilmington and Monken Pyn Commons – the Council is the freehold owner these two Commons, all other common land in the district is in private ownership.

Ashdown Forest – Wealden, in partnership with East Sussex County Council, is responsible for funding the management of the Ashdown Forest.

East Sussex County Council – hold and maintain the register of common land and village greens.

Coast and Beaches

Wealden owns 9km of coastline either side of Eastbourne from the nationally recognised chalk cliffs of the Seven Sisters in the west to the low lying Pevensey Bay in the East. The Council is responsible for the coast protection and beach management of these locations.

The Cuckoo Trail

The Cuckoo Trail is owned by Wealden District Council and East Sussex County Council, this route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders follows the old ‘Cuckoo Line’ railway.

Recreation Grounds

All recreational land in the ownership of this Council has been let to Town and Parish Councils to maintain and administer, please contact the Town and Parish Council directly with any enquiries.

The Council also owns:

  • Argos Hill Windmill
  • Three agricultural tenancies in the parishes of Maresfield, East Hoathly and Westham.
  • Hailsham Pavilion Cinema, run by Hailsham Pavilion Ltd 
  • Maresfield Leisure Complex, currently leased to private organisations for Indoor Bowls, Gymnastics and Lawn Tennis.