Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is defined as any incident or pattern of controlling, coercive, or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can include, but is not limited to:
- psychological
- physical
- sexual
- financial
- emotional
If you disclose to the Council that you are experiencing domestic abuse, we will support you to ensure you can either return to the property safely or to find somewhere else to live.
If you are homelessness or threatened with homelessness within 56 days you should request housing advice and assistance
There are a range of options available depending upon your current housing situation:
- Call the Police on 999 if you are in immediate danger
Contact Change Grow Live, the specialist domestic abuse services for East Sussex. They can be contacted on 0300 323 9985. For more information on their services visit: Domestic Abuse Service – East Sussex | Change Grow Live | Supporting survivors of abuse and violence
Refuge placements and 24hr free National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247. The Council can also help find a Refuge for you. You can access this service by calling us on 01323 443380. Find out more about the Refuge services
- Contact us or ask your support worker to refer you to the Wealden Sanctuary Scheme to help you remain in your home safely. If you are a professional supporting a client, please contact us on 01323 443380 or email to request a referral form
- 24hr Aanchal helpline 0845 4512 547 – If English isn’t your first language
- Women’s Aid and the Survivor’s handbook
- Mankind Helpline 01823 334244 – for men experiencing domestic abuse
- NHS Choices help for domestic violence
- Respect which also provides a helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse on 0808 801 0321 and a helpline for people concerned about their behaviour on 0808 802 4020
Prison or Youth detention leavers
Whilst the Probation service has the responsibility of supervising ex-offenders in the community the housing service will assess your accommodation and support needs and provide housing advice. We will work with the probation service in doing this.Options may include:
- Assistance to find accommodation in the private rented sector
- Applying to join the Council’s housing register.
- Referrals to other supported accommodation or support providers.
Care leavers
If you are aged 16 or 17 years old and consider yourself homeless, contact the Duty and Assessment Team on 01323 747373 who will assess your housing and support needs under the Children’s Act 1989 (as amended).If you are a care leaver who has been looked after by East Sussex County Council aged 18-21 years your social worker would usually help you to apply to the Council for help to meet your ongoing housing need.
Options may include:-
- Referrals to other supported accommodation, such as YMCA
- Assistance to find accommodation in the private rented sector
- Applying to join the Council’s housing register.
You or your support worker can request housing advice and assistance so that we can help find the right housing solution for you.
As a care leaver you are exempt from the rule that under 25 year olds cannot claim Housing Benefit or Universal Credit for housing costs.
Former Members of the armed forces
Former members of the armed forces who are leaving armed forces accommodation or are otherwise threatened with homelessness will be given housing advice and support by the council.
If you are homelessness or threatened with homelessness within 56 days you should request housing advice and assistance .
Housing Options include assistance to access the private rented sector, low cost home ownership, and applying to join the housing register. Members of the Armed and Reserved Forces are exempt from the requirement to have a local connection to the Wealden area in order to join the housing register, however, other qualifying criteria may apply.
Those leaving hospital
If you are about to be discharged from hospital but have nowhere to live or your current accommodation is unsuitable for you to return to, speak to your Health care professional on the ward at the earliest stage.
If you are homelessness or threatened with homelessness within 56 days you or hospital staff on your behalf, should request housing advice and assistance
We will work with hospital staff and other agencies, to try to resolve your housing issues prior to discharge.
Those experiencing mental health issues
There is no specialist accommodation within the District for those with who need supported accommodation. However, the Council works closely with other organisations to ensure support is made available. We may make referrals to a range of organisations. For information and support for mental health
If you are homelessness or threatened with homelessness within 56 days you or a mental health professional on your behalf, should request housing advice and assistance .
Learning Disabilities
We have worked with East Sussex County Council to provide specialist accommodation for people with Learning Disabilities in the district. Find out more about the accommodation and support options available locally
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days you should request housing advice and assistance
Rough Sleepers
If you are rough sleeping, or at risk of rough sleeping, you should complete our housing advice assistance form or call 01323 443322 to access help and advice from the Housing Options team.
If you have nowhere to stay tonight and the office is closed please call our out of hours service on 0330 123 3517. The Council does not have a duty to provide accommodation for everyone who may be sleeping rough. Only those considered to be in ‘priority need’ would be offered emergency accommodation.
In severe weather, emergency accommodation can be offered.
Reporting a Rough Sleeper
If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 that you have seen sleeping rough, or are sleeping rough yourself, in England or Wales, send an alert to StreetLink to connect the person with local services.
Support services available to rough sleepers in East Sussex
Surviving the Streets (Hastings)
01424 850219 (office hours) or 07929 176462 (out of hours) – support (including food) for the homeless.
Warming up the homeless
Support and supplies such as food, toiletries, sleeping bags, warm clothes and blankets.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.30-10pm. Starting at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne at 7.30pm.
- Everyday except Sunday 10am to 4pm at 8-12 Wickham Avenue, Bexhill TN29 3EN
- Mondays , Tuesdays, Wednesdays 10-4 and Thursdays 10-6. Fridays 10-1.
Evenings; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sundays.
Evenings; 7.30pm -9.30 pm. Weekends 4.00 -7.00 pm Gizmo House, 23 Priory Street, Hastings, TN34 1EA
Salvation Army
Community office open: open Mon, Weds and Friday 10.00am- 12pm. Offers food, clothing, furniture and advice.
Day Centre for homeless and vulnerable Mon-Fri 10am-4pm. Additionally, hot meals for are served to this client group on Tues and Thurs 6.00pm-7.30pm
Address: 1441 Langney Road, Centre, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8AG
Email: or telephone: 01323 640382
Matthew 25
- Providing food, clothing and basic necessities
- Support and practical help
Open Monday to Friday from 8am to 2pm
Address: Matthew 25 Mission, Brodie Hall, Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7NN.
Telephone: 01323 726960
Eastbourne Winter Night Shelter
The Eastbourne Winter Night Shelter is provided by several Eastbourne churches cooperating together and offers supervised overnight accommodation to homeless and vulnerable people who would otherwise be rough sleeping between December and February.
They provide a warm, safe and friendly environment between 7.00pm and 8.00am, including an evening meal, breakfast, games, DVDs and talking to the guests.
All guests must be interviewed prior to admission.
For referrals and assessment interviews telephone 07932 407730. Interviews are by appointment only.
Kingdom Way Trust
Kingdom Way Trust oversee the Winter Night Shelter on behalf of local churches. They also help with support and signposting to other local services.
For more information visit
The Way
Weekend Drop-in for the homeless and street community runs on the 2nd and 4th weekends of each month at ‘The Way’, on Seaside Road. Runs 10am to 4pm
Contact is Graham on 07484 152210 or email
Hastings Advise and Representation centre
- Support understanding what financial assistance you are entitled to, assist with claims and support to challenge and appeal unfavourable decisions.
Must book an appointment.
Contact 01424 428375 or
East Sussex Veterans Hub
- Welfare information, advice and guidance for veterans
Specific Support for those with PTSD and Mental Ill
Health. - Close Liaison with other Agencies and Military
5 Harold Place, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1JA Monday 10:00-15:00
Contact 0330 1077 808/ 01424 446292 or
The Pelham
- Community hub and coffee lounge
- Weekly activities
- Counselling
- Running Space
The Pelham, Hollier’s Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 2DD
Monday- Friday 09:30-14:30
Contact 01424 576304
Gypsies and Travellers
There are three authorised Gypsy and Traveller sites in Wealden:
- Swan Barn Caravan Site, Hailsham (9 pitches), Downash Road, Hailsham, BN27 2RU
- Batts Bridge Caravan Site, Maresfield (10 pitches), Batts Bridge Road, Maresfield, Uckfield, TN22 2HN
- Polly Arch Caravan Site, Polegate (6 pitches, Polly Arch, Lynholm Road, Polegate, BN26 6JP
Sites in East Sussex include:
- Redlands Lane Caravan Park, Robertsbridge (8 pitches), Redlands Lane, Salehurst, Robertsbridge, TH32 5NE
- Bridie’s Tan Transit Site, Lewes (9 pitches), Southerham Lane, Southerham, Lewes, BN8 6DY
All of these sites are managed by East Sussex County Council, further information is available on their website
Older People
There are a number of options within Wealden for older people. Depending upon the scheme older people are those aged either 55+ or 60+ years of age, including leasehold/shared ownership options. Many schemes benefit from onsite facilities and/or Lifeline service. Options include:
- Retirement Living – Council (click on the to rent tab) and Housing Association
- Age restricted properties – Council and Housing Association
To be considered for any of these properties to rent applicants need to apply to join the housing register . All available vacancies are advertised on Sussex Homemove and you will be able to bid once you are registered.
In addition there is extra care provided by East Sussex County Council . Extra Care is only available to those whom have been assessed by Adult Social Care as having an eligible care and support need.
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days you should request housing advice and assistance