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Tenant Involvement Strategy Meeting





Update as at March 2022




set up weekly surgeries where Housing Officer will guarantee to be available to take telephone calls from tenants

·       Each Housing Officer to hold a weekly virtual surgery where they can be contacted

·       Details to be advertised in Threshold

Spring 2022

To start in Spring 2022



Increase the number of tenants and RL leaseholders involved in different TI activities 

·       Recruit through the new Tenant Involvement Options brochure

·       Ensure equality in all TI activities

·       Housing Officers to discuss Tenant Involvement Options brochure at 6 week visit



April 2021 & ongoing



December 2021 and ongoing

Freedom Leisure have been in to a number of courts, with dates planned for the others to do an activity and find out what else the residents want. Tenant Involvement Team working with residents to set up Resident Groups to run their own activities in a number of courts.


Exploring how we can use technology to deliver more activities.


Create Database of interested tenants:

Use TP Tracker to create a data base of tenants and RL leaseholders who have expressed interest in involvement


·       Use TP Tracker to record expressions of interest and group and communicate with those tenants accordingly

·       Use TP tracker to monitor responses and participation in activities  TP Tracker to allocate Participation Points as part of Tenant Reward Scheme



April 2021 & ongoing

TPTracker being used as our database. Work continues to recruit new tenants including at sign-up and through our publications.


Develop and implement regular tenant satisfaction surveys for all service areas:

Identify service areas where satisfaction surveys and focus groups can be used

·       Work with HMT and Team leaders to identify where satisfaction surveys can be used

·       Develop and implement  a programme of satisfaction surveys

·       Produce online and hard copies of each survey

·       All responses recorded in TP Tracker

·       Use TP Tracker to record and report on results of surveys and attendance at groups

April 2021 and ongoing

A range of surveys and opportunities to collect tenants and leaseholders feedback is in place. Including new feedback mechanism. New Tenant Satisfaction Measures will come in from 2023.


Develop and support Tenant and Retirement Living Leaseholder Representatives:

Recruit, train and embed 3 or more elected Tenant and RL leaseholders Representatives

·       Consult with tenants and RL leaseholders to gauge support for elected representatives

·       Develop and agree system for election of representatives 

·       Develop and agree mechanism for issues raised directed to HMT/ Portfolio Holder

·       Identify possible candidates

·       Offer training package via Tpas etc.

April 2021

Via Threshold

Annual Report

Monthly Email update

Court based Retirement Living Resident Groups are being set up where there is demand as there was no appetite for an umbrella Retirement Living Residents Group.


Remove Barriers to Involvement:

Support all tenants and RL leaseholders to be involved regardless of any disability, financial status, care commitments etc.


·       Identify barriers to involvement, for example through the six week visit

·       Ensure all activities provided are accessible and meet the needs of all attendees

·       Events and activities held at times to suit those involved

·       All activities and events are free of charge

·       Ensure all ‘out of pocket’ expenses incurred are reimbursed as soon as possible

April 2021 & Ongoing

Tenant Involvement Recognition Scheme aims to provide support to enable all to engage, new scheme approved for 2022.



Ensure that actively engaged tenants and RL leaseholders have access to relevant skills and training


Promote other training and skills opportunities to wider tenant base

·        Consult with engaged tenants and RL leaseholders about their training needs

·        Promote and utilise Tpas membership to provide specialist training for engaged tenants

·         Promote and facilitate existing training and skills providers e.g. Street Learning, SETUP etc.

April 2021 & Ongoing

Promoting Street Learning.

Working with google to introduce Google Certificates.

Looking to provide specific training to tenants and leaseholders who want to be part of the scrutiny group.



Publicise Tpas membership and benefits

for tenants and RL leaseholders

·       Renew Tpas Membership

·       Include article about Tpas and members benefits

·       Promote Tpas activities and training/networking opportunities in email updates.

·       Support and encourage engaged tenants and RL leaseholders to take part in Tpas events and activities 

March 2021

April 2021





Regularly included in monthly newsletter, included in Spring 2022 Threshold.


Continuing to promote the Tenant Involvement brochure

·       Copy of Tenant Involvement Brochure to be included in welcome letter/pack

·       Housing Officers and other tenant facing staff to promote and raise awareness of opportunities

·       Look to contact those who did not respond to the initial mail out

·       Include article about Involvement Brochure in Threshold encouraging responses

·       Include links and information on Involvement Brochure and opportunities in email updates





March 2021

April 2021




Updated in Jan 2022 – new editable form created to allow tenants and leaseholders to tell us how they want to be involved and request for Firmstep form raised to enable tenants and leaseholders to sign up or find out more about getting involved via MyWealden.


Improve Internal Communications

To improve customer service to our tenants and leaseholders

·       Set-up monthly meetings between Housing Officers, TI team and Contracts Officer

October 2021

Regular cross service meetings set-up for 2022.

Housing Officers to attend AGM of Resident Group meetings.


Marketing & Promotion:

Promote the ‘Tenant Involvement Offer’ to increase awareness of TI options available

·       Publish ‘TI Offer’ on website,  in email update  and Threshold

·       Use TP Tracker to profile and contact tenants who have expressed interest in involvement

·       Copy of ‘TI Offer’ to be included in welcome letter packs for new tenants

·       Explore other opportunities to promote the TI Offer

·       R.L Court Mangers to promote at Courts via face to face meetings, notice boards. TI Team to be invited where possible

Jan 2021 & ongoing

April 2021

March/April 2021 & ongoing  






Using monthly newsletter and Threshold to continue to promote. Also part of the sign-up process.  



Set up new Involvement Options

based on the Tenant Involvement Offer brochure

·       Establish Terms of reference and Codes of Conduct

·       Run drafts through the Reading Group

·       Send final versions to volunteers and get them to sign up to any Codes of Conduct

·       Undertake any necessary training

·       Set-up and utilise all involvement options across the housing service


August 2021


September 2021


September 2021  as necessary


Terms now in place and issued to those who want to engage.

Beginning to use the new options


Reading Group:

Further expand and develop the role of the Reading Group to give feedback and influence all Housing Service draft reports, letters and documents


·       Increase number of tenants and RL leaseholders actively involved in the reading group according to  interest from ‘TI Offer’

·       Record participation and allocate Points on TPTracker

·       Promote and expand use of the reading group to staff and officers as a means to ‘test’ draft reports, letters and documents e.g. policies and strategies. Gain feedback and comments

·       Officers and staff to plan and allow sufficient time for reading group to give feedback and feedback to be implemented

April 2021 and ongoing

Reading Group are very active and being used to run all publications passed prior to including website prior to release.


Support and facilitate Residents Associations and Community Groups:

Continue to support and work in partnership with existing groups. Work with RL Service to increase number of Residents Association in R.L Courts

·       Support existing groups -revenue & running costs

·       Work with and support groups to deliver projects, activities and events which benefit the local community

·       Develop and facilitate formation of new groups if there is demand

·       Support and facilitate new Residents Associations in R.L courts

·       Housing Officers to attend each Resident Groups AGM


New groups now in a number of Retirement Living Courts and others are in the process of being set-up.


Tenant Portal

Explore options to improve or replace the Tenant Portal to expand the amount of information available through it

·       Work with Digital Services

·       Involve tenants and RL leaseholders in developing the content as well as a range of Officers across the service

To be completed by 2024

Replacement options will be considered as part of the re-tender of our Housing Management IT system.


Tenant Scrutiny Panel  (TSP)

Continue and develop  the Tenant Scrutiny Panel/s 

·       Targeted recruitment for members of TSP

·       Promote and utilise Tpas membership to provide specialist training for Scrutiny Panel

·       TSP to deliver at least 1 review each financial year.

·       Regular TSP update in Threshold

·       Embed Scrutiny and it’s benefits across the service

·       Develop and implement feedback and reporting model for Scrutiny Report

·       Ensure action is taken and reported back following the work of the TSP


Those who want to be part of the Scrutiny group have attended a Tpas event. Now arranging bespoke Tpas training for these volunteers.


Decent Environments

Work with tenants and RL leaseholders to explore ways to improve local areas and utilise funding opportunities

·       Explore opportunities to utilise small parcels of HRA land.

·       Undertake litter picks

·       Continue Estate Walkabouts

·       Use temporary dog fouling signs


Community & Environmental budget post 21/22 has been agreed.

Working with contracts officer on HRA land to explore options.


Drive to Digital:

help those who aren’t online get online where they want to and ensure access to service for those not online

·       TI Staff to be Drive to Digital Champions

·       Utilise digital engagement

such as online feedback surveys and work to support tenants access to digital platforms

·       Use digital methods of communication by default, but ensure those without access to internet are still informed, can access information and services and have opportunities to be involved

·       Keep records of how tenants and RL leaseholders want to get involved up to date

·       Provide IT training/support to access training and/or access to IT equipment

·       Promote IT training e.g. ‘I.T for You’ and Street Learning

·       Offer choice for how people can engage and respond


Introducing a tablet loan to engage those not online to engage, will include SIM preloaded with data if needed.

Street Learning promote via Threshold and monthly newsletter..


Annual review of TI Offer, Strategy and Action Plan:

Review annually to ensure the T.I Offer, Strategy and Action Plan is still fit for purpose and meet best practice

·       Review TI offer in partnership with tenants and RL leaseholders to ensure it continues to meet their needs and adapts to take account of best practice and changes in technology

·       Review and Update TI Strategy at least every 5 years or sooner if necessary, responding to legislation and changes in best practice

·       Review and update as necessary the TI Action plan and publish biannual updates online. With annual updates in the annual report

Every March

Options Brochure updated in Jan 2022


Continue to be a member of Tpas

and utilise benefits to ensure we are up-to-date with best practice

·       Review annual membership

·       Utilise benefits for both tenants and RL leaseholders as well as staff (see 7.) including attending training, reading publications etc.


Tpas membership for 2022 approved


Develop effective reporting of results and feedback:

Agree format and produce quarterly report on results of feedback received from TI activities for HMT

·       Use TP Tracker to report on results of online surveys and questionnaires

·       Monitor satisfaction levels and identify any issues or trends

·       Respond to comments and feedback

April 2021 & ongoing quarterly

Housing feedback email set-up and being promoted at the bottom of all housing staffs email signature.


Performance Management:

Including recording and monitoring all Tenant Involvement Activities

·       Create clear recording and monitoring processes that capture evidence of all aspects of the TI Offer and Strategy/action plan

·       Report back on this in the annual report

·       Record activities and attendance and engagement  through TP Tracker

·       Provide regular feedback and information on housing performance via our website



TPTracker is being utilised more to ensure engagement activities are recorded.



Setup and embed Complaints Panel subject to demand from tenants and RL leaseholders:

Form and support a complains panel consisting of tenants, RL leaseholder and lead member of Housing Staff

·       Promote ‘How to Feedback’ in Threshold and monthly email update including how to make a formal complaint.

·       Develop and agree mechanism for complaints panel

·       Identify and agree lead member of Housing Staff

·       Identify members for  complaints panel

·       Offer training package via Tpas etc.

·       Monitor, evaluate and report back to HMT, tenants and RL leaseholders on complaints and progress

April 2021



Terms of reference agreed. Need to set-up first meeting of the panel after year end.



Ensure website is kept up to date

Include information on service performance, feedback – compliments and complaints  including formal complaints data as well as updates on action plans

·       Ensure webpages are regularly reviewed and updated

·       Work with tenants to ensure information is understandable and easy to access




Initial review and Update March 2021 then Ongoing

Work to change Tenant Involvement pages and how they interlink is in place, making it more attractive and interactive.


Review information provided in  Annual Report

Responding to requirements of the White Paper

·       Involve tenants who have expressed an interest in developing our Annual Report

·       Provide examples of other landlords Annual Report to compare

·       Publicise and promote Annual Report when published 

Each October


HQN event on annual report writing attended, they are providing a free review of our report from 21/22. Going forward we will include performance comparison with other landlords. Recruited tenants to get involved in the 21/22 annual report production – now looking at focus group/surveys to get their views.


Develop and implement Local Offers

Work with and consult tenants and RL leaseholders to develop local offers that deliver improvements that are important to them

·       Involve tenants and RL leaseholders who have expressed an interest in being involved

·       Find out what are the local issues that matter and develop a set of Local Offers in response

·       Promote and publicise local offers and update on progress and achievements in Threshold

April 2021

April 2021

March 2022 and ongoing 

Local offers for 22/23 have been agreed. Consulted tenants and leaseholders on draft local offers and ideas for other things that we could offer. Used text forum to find out if the term Local Offers was understood, which it wasn’t so we are now calling them service standards/Local offers


Actively encourage feedback

for Compliments and dissatisfaction

·       Set up dedicated email account for Housing Feedback

·       Explore and develop a centralised  process to ensure all housing is captured, recorded, monitored and evaluated, with progress and feedback provided to customer at every stage

·       Promote options for giving feedback compliments and complaints in Threshold so that tenants and RL leaseholders are aware

·       Ongoing promotion in email update and Threshold

March 2021


April 2021



April 2021




New feedback email which we are promoting in publications and on the website. It is also on the bottom of all housing staff email signatures.  


Develop and implement a Housing Communications Plan:

Work with tenants and RL leaseholders on publication and benchmarking of our performance across Housing Services and ensure feedback on contributions of tenants and RL leaseholders

·       Ensure regular timely up to date information is provided in a clear and accessible format

·       Produce two editions of Housing Newsletter Threshold

·       Continue to produce Monthly email update

·       Produce Housing Service Annual Report and encourage and support Reading Group and other tenants to influence content

·       Feedback on the contribution of tenants and RL leaseholders

·       Feedback on changes made as a result of feedback

April 2001 & October 2021









One set up for 2022


Tenant Involvement Recognition Scheme

·       Ensure that all involved  tenants time and responses are recorded and Participation Points awarded

·       Record, monitor and report on involvement in Housing activities and events

Review October  2021 and as necessary thereafter

New enhanced scheme for 2022 in place, which also includes a pilot annual awards scheme.