Wealden District Council
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South Downs National Park Authority

From 1 April 2011 the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) became responsible for all planning in the South Downs National Park. The Authority deals with about 4,000 planning applications a year, making it the 8th largest planning authority in the country.

In preparation for this the National Park Authority invited the 15 Local Authorities, within the National Park, to provide the day to day planning services on its behalf. All 15 Local Authorities reached an agreement during the Summer of 2010, including Wealden District Council, and a binding legal agreement was signed and completed in November 2010 committing all of the Local Authorities to work with the SDNPA towards delivering the planning service in this way.

However, since 1st April 2012, Wealden District Council no longer carries out this work on behalf of the National Park Authority.

What does this mean?

Wealden District Council no longer deal with planning applications within the South Downs National Park area and the National Park Authority are now responsibility for dealing with all planning matters.

How do I find out if I live within the South Downs National Park?

Enter your postcode into the ‘Do I live in the National Park?’ search on the South Downs National Park website to find out if your property, or application site, lies within the boundary of the South Downs National Park.

Where do I submit my planning application if I propose to do alterations within the National Park?

If the works you are proposing fall within the National Park boundary you should submit your planning applications to South Downs National Park Authority at:

South Downs Centre
North Street
West Sussex
GU29 9DH

Telephone: 0300 303 1053
Email: planning@southdowns.gov.uk

If you submit your application through the Planning Portal, this will be routed automatically to the SDNPA.

For further details, please see the frequently asked questions document  which has been produced by the National Park.

How can I view applications that have been submitted to the South Downs National Park?

Please go to the SDNPA Planning website , where you can search for planning applications that have been submitted from anywhere within the South Downs National Park boundary. You can search in a variety of different ways, including between specific dates, or within a specific local authority area, or for applications received and validated or decisions issued. You will be able to view the documents held for each planning application.