Wealden District Council
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Farningham Road Industrial Estate

  • Address Farningham Road Industrial Estate, Jarvis Brook, Crowborough TN6 2JRS

  • Area Crowborough

  • Number of units 41

  • Type of Buildings Mix, oldest dating back to 1960s

  • Details Farningham Road Industrial Estate is located south west of Crowborough Hill (B2100) and is adjacent to Crowborough Railway Station. It is situated within 1.75 miles of the A26, 1.5 miles of the town centre and a few hundred yards from Crowborough railway station.

  • Additional Information Crowborough is a large commercial centre and offers good facilities for the local workforce. The town has an existing office stock generally located within the town centre. The main industrial areas are Farningham Road and Millbrook Industrial Estate. The majority of business activity in Crowborough is located within the Millbrook, Farningham Road and Lexden Lodge business areas, all of which are on the south-east edge of the town, close to the railway station. There are also a number of smaller areas of activity, including Park Road, off the town centre and the former railway goods yard off Western Road. Land at Farningham Road Business Area and to the north of Millbrook Business Area therefore provides the principal opportunities in the town for new or existing firms to set-up, expand or relocate. This estate is screened from the neighbouring residential areas by a steep slope and mature trees and therefore may be suitable for B1, B2 and B8 uses.

  • The latest information on Broadband connectivity can be found on the East Sussex Council website