Historic Environment Record (HER) Consultation
The National Planning Policy Framework (external link) directs that applicants should, as a minimum, consult the relevant HER and have the heritage assets assessed using appropriate expertise where necessary. This will be necessary in most cases, with the following exceptions:
An HER consultation will not be required where:
- The site is not located in an Archaeological Notification Area (ANA) and is not a major development
- The site is located in an Archaeological Notification Area (ANA) but no below ground works (e.g. foundations or excavation) or demolition works are proposed and
- The application is for change of use.
You may also wish to confirm requirement by emailing the County Archaeologist;County.HER@eastsussex.gov.uk
An HER will be required for all major developments and for any significant below ground works in an ANA.
Note: Sites requiring an HER may also be identified at validation when considering specific thresholds.
The Historic Environment Record (HER) (external link) is located at the East Sussex County Council Records Office (ESCC) at The Keep Woollards Way, Brighton BN1 9BP (external link) and is managed by their Archaeology Team. Further information can be accessed via the ESCC website (external link).
The Historic Environment Record Officer and the County Archaeologists offer a pre-application service which leads to the production of an HER Consultation Report (external link). There is a charge for this service which will provide up-to-date information on the heritage asset and predictions of archaeological risk. This report should inform your Heritage Statement and be included as an appendix to your statement.
Apply online for an HER Consultation Report (external link) stating clearly the location and extent of the site and a summary of the proposed works.